Iran's nuclear power is intended for...

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o) only? Or Nuclear Weapons as well?

Iran says energy only. Western media says it's for nuclear weapons. Sounds an awful lot like our hunt for "weapons of mass destruction" ten years ago. Hopefully this will not play out like the second US - Iraq war, which was completely illegal.
I'm honestly not that worried about Iran. We have enough military intelligence, and allies in Europe, to take care of Iran if and when they develop nuclear weapons. The sanctions are hurting them, and they might eventually cave (although it must be noted that the sanctions will harm the average person in Iran more than the government itself - I guess we're banking on the people in Iran demanding that their government cease nuclear activity).

But, what we do need to worry about is Israel. Israel is controlled by a radical, right-wing, coalition that has publicly stated, numerous times, that it wouldn't mind going to war with Iran ( If that happens, we are absolutely fucked. Given previous US policy, the United States would almost certainly be drawn into the war, and that part of the world would hate us even more. We really cannot afford for that to happen.
Alot of countries have nuclear energy, but when oil producing muslim countries has it, or some other communist ones, they always think its for weapons. While the US probably still has loads of em themselves. And the US is the only one who ever used such a thing on humans. Twice. While besides that, almost no one cares about the submarine cemetary near russia. Those have still nuclear reactors, they are practicly unreachable to dig em up, but sooner or later, they will pop. I guess december 2012, or whenever this so called apocalypse will take place.
oooh, military intelligence and allies in europe to take care of Iran, I just love the way that sounds.

truth is I think we are powerless, bombing anything would be an act of war, and I don't think it's a good moment for a 3'rd war in the middle east. Besides iran's nuclear installations are constructed and partially maintained by russians and germans, not really people you want to hurt. I say let them have it, there's like a zyllion warheads out there, how can a few more do any more harm :D
I am getting seriously annoyed at the media trying to scare the public about Iran having a nuclear program. Just trying to create justification for yet another war.

The US has over 5 thousand nuclear weapons. Surely Iran have every right to make a couple aswell if they so wish?

Don't piss off Iran and you wont have a problem with them. In fact that goes for every other country in the world. If governments stopped thinking about every foreign country as a potential enemy then the whole world would be better off.
I am not for war but let's not make the Iranian gov out to be some cosy little setup just trying to do the right thing . They are fucking mental nut jobs who opress the fuck out of their own people hate nearly everyone and should not be allowed nukes . Current sanctions are making life fucking hard for the average Iranian but do their leaders care ? Do they fuck , the world should be getting rid of nukes not allowing new nuclear powers to emmerge .
The problem is, everyone is justified in thinking that if Iran gets themselves some serious shooty-bang-bangs, they'll be jerks and launch them all at Israel just b'cause.

Now, I honestly don't give a smoldering turd what Israel and Iran do to eachother so the way I see it, the thermo-nuclear rape-storm will be entirely confined to that shitty corner of the world and I will be thusly unaffected in my nice little hole on the west corner of Australia.
Israel's attitude towards Iran reminds me of Chris Rock's joke about OJ Simpson -- "I'm not saying he should have killed her... but I understand."
Just to clarify - I'm not saying the US should bomb Iran the moment they develop nuclear arms. But, in the event they decided to use one, the international community would know, and wouldn't let it happen.
The US has a myriad of satellites tracking any possible sources of leaking radiation on US soil, and AFAIK (as of 2011, at least) the US Navy has already conducted various successful tests in both intercepting and disabling cruising intercontinental-class ballistic missiles with MTHELs.
Iran has no intercontinental missile capability, so that whole 'US protecting itself' is bull sh anyways. Iran does however have missiles with a potential to reach Israel, but since Israel helped develop MTHEL systems, I'm betting they have plenty of those as well. So I'd say their intentions on Iran -as well- aren't really 'to defend themselves'.

It's about oil.

The problem about a conflict over Iran imo would namely be that Russia's southwest border sits next to Iran, too close for bombs to be flying, therefore Russia will be against bombing Iran, also China gets their oil from Iran, so China won't like it. European countries like Germany, Spain, Italy, Greece, Portugal and the Netherlands get oil from them as well. Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan probably won't just sit back and watch. They'll side with Iran just because it's against the US.

You know it's an election year when US politicians start talking about how much they love and care about Israel...
I am getting seriously annoyed at the media trying to scare the public about Iran having a nuclear program. Just trying to create justification for yet another war.

The US has over 5 thousand nuclear weapons. Surely Iran have every right to make a couple aswell if they so wish?

Don't piss off Iran and you wont have a problem with them. In fact that goes for every other country in the world. If governments stopped thinking about every foreign country as a potential enemy then the whole world would be better off.

I agree with all of this. I was watching the Rep debate earlier on CNN, they were on the topic of Iran and nuclear weapons. I just though to myself, "why is it ok for us (U.S.) to have thousands of nuclear weapons, yet we feel we have the right to tell another country they can't have any?" while they were talking about the whole situation. It's ridiculous.
Gratz mate, you just described U.S.

I don't think Obama is a lunatic but the Bush family certainly seem to have fit that mould . What I find as frightening as extreme Islamic views are some of the same extreme Christian rubbish you hear in US politics . Religion and politics should never mix .
I don't think Obama is a lunatic but the Bush family certainly seem to have fit that mould . What I find as frightening as extreme Islamic views are some of the same extreme Christian rubbish you hear in US politics . Religion and politics should never mix .

That's correct. However, politics without religion is somewhat imposible because it's the easiest way to drag people to your side and that way, you can manipulate people and make them believe or support whatever you want.

I'm not religious, I'm not into politics and I hate war with passion. Every country has some kind of nuclear program and some may have nuclear weapons, but that's not the point. The same for what happened in Iraq years ago. And when it's the country that used nuclear power twice, it becomes more ironic to blame other countries for having nuclear weapons. I just can't fit this into my logic.
Someone had to be the first to use nukes in anger , it just so happens to have been the U.S . Thank fuck no one else has felt the need to use them since as those second world war bombs are tiny in comparison to those around today .
Here in the UK religion and politics are kept as seperate as possible , that does not mean I agree with the UK involvement Iraq war etc , religion however has not been a motivation for UK involvement in a war for hundreds of years .
Allowing Iran to have nukes is like allowing your local fundamentalist radical muslim/christian/whatever community to produce semtex...

Religion or not, any reason to be involved in a war is stupid.

Don't generalise.

Some wars are justified.

When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, my grandparents prayed for the west to declare war on Germany and intervene to help Poland as fast as possible.

But despite signing many defense pacts, they waited and waited and Hitler grew stronger and stronger... average citizens in the west probably thought things like "it's only Poland, i don't even know where that little country is, it is not our business what happens there", then they changed their minds when V1s started falling from the sky in London...

So yes sometimes going to war is the right thing to do.
Allowing Iran to have nukes is like allowing your local fundamentalist radical muslim/christian/whatever community to produce semtex...

Don't generalise.

Some wars are justified.

When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, my grandparents prayed for the west to declare war on Germany and intervene to help Poland as fast as possible.

But despite signing many defense pacts, they waited and waited and Hitler grew stronger and stronger... average citizens in the west probably thought things like "it's only Poland, i don't even know where that little country is, it is not our business what happens there", then they changed their minds when V1s started falling from the sky in London...

So yes sometimes going to war is the right thing to do.

Ehhh. Tasty sausages weren't enough of an incentive.
Allowing Iran to have nukes is like allowing your local fundamentalist radical muslim/christian/whatever community to produce semtex...

Don't generalise.

Some wars are justified.

When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, my grandparents prayed for the west to declare war on Germany and intervene to help Poland as fast as possible.

But despite signing many defense pacts, they waited and waited and Hitler grew stronger and stronger... average citizens in the west probably thought things like "it's only Poland, i don't even know where that little country is, it is not our business what happens there", then they changed their minds when V1s started falling from the sky in London...

So yes sometimes going to war is the right thing to do.

Call me stupid but didn't the U.k declare war with Germany the moment they invaded Poland ?
Allowing Iran to have nukes is like allowing your local fundamentalist radical muslim/christian/whatever community to produce semtex...

Don't generalise.

Some wars are justified.

When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, my grandparents prayed for the west to declare war on Germany and intervene to help Poland as fast as possible.

But despite signing many defense pacts, they waited and waited and Hitler grew stronger and stronger... average citizens in the west probably thought things like "it's only Poland, i don't even know where that little country is, it is not our business what happens there", then they changed their minds when V1s started falling from the sky in London...

So yes sometimes going to war is the right thing to do.

you realize Poland is part of "The West" right?