
this is what americans keep forgetting
the violence over there isn't going to stop because of anything america will ever do
executing Sadam Husein, assassinating Osama Bin Laden, neither of these things resulted in stopping the violence
the never was any moment where america could have stoped the violence over there
and there's never going to be an "endgame" when the violence over there finnally stops, it will be after everyone reading this post has already died of old age

Not all Americans think this way :mad:. I'm an American but i think that this mentality is bullshit also
on the one hand
i don't have any problem at all whatsoever with America completely totally leaving the middle east

on the other hand
i have absolutely no problem whatsoever with Nuclear weapons vaporizing Al-Quida, The Taliban, Hamas, Etc etc etc

what i'm having a problem with is this half-way-in-between crap that's resulting in Americans dying
i opposed to anything that involves any possibility of any Americans dying