John Zorn - Spy vs. Spy: The Music of Ornette Coleman

Jimm O)))

Oct 11, 2007
For a while, I've been meaning to check out some of John Zorn's work. I'd already heard Naked City, but beyond that, very little. Looking through his discography, I stopped upon this album. Having heard Shape of Jazz to Come (amazing album), I was instantly intregued.

I figured the album would be quite a change-up from the origonal compositions but I was not prepared for the break-neck tempos, chaotic sax squealing, and overall violent feel. My first thought was, classic jazz fans would probably be horrified by this album. I don't think I've ever heard a more intense free-jazz album than this. It almost puts me on edge, at times. I'm going to have to listen to this a few more times and let it sink in. It's a bit much to handle in one sitting.

Anyways, for anyone who has heard this album, what are your thoughts on it?
I've listened to it a few more times and I'm still not feeling it. I think I'll just stick with Naked City.