Just got the call

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
Guy called me today,
"Work, Rain or shine tomorrow"
I guess They are all covered in now, that Sucks ass!!!!!
I am still sick, and I won't be able to sit on my ass all day and post here lol!
I'll be back after work though lol!
Ha ha ha, I got shakey for ya Mark lol!

Yeah, so I got sent home for Srtig's exact reason. The inspector saw us grouting the fresh(and very wet) work, and the grout was poring out of the joints. I am pissed too, cause I knew that would happen!!! Waste of my Mother fucking time lol!

So I just got back from the beach, I went for an inspiration stroll to Hampton beach. Perfect vibe for the new album (being a concept album about the end of the world and all) Anyways, the grey skies and ominous violent waves really helped. So I guess I am happy I got sent home!
anything Dan works on is a shaky structure :zombie:


Wait...isn't that a good thing being a musician, though? You know...like 'bringing the house down' type of stuff?
That's a scary thought, DreamingInExile. I guess I will make sure I see SoB at an out-of-doors venue -- just in case. :p

Hey Dan! I challenge you to a bricklaying contest. :heh: I laid a windowsill, so I guess you could say I'm 'experienced'. Of course I broke two nails, grumbled about standing in the mud, and could barely lift a brick let alone tap it in the right place to 'cut' it. But hey...I did it. *chest puffed up all proud-like* Hahaha I had to run and wash my hands because the lime (?) in the mortar was burning my hands. Yeah, I'm a wimp. But I'm allowed to be - I'm a girl. :lol: Oh yeah...the mason was right there behind me. He "fixed" everything I did. But...that building is still standing. :cool:
Owwwww, that hurt!!! LOL

Ok you are on! lol!

Ohh and Mark being the pale scrawny computer geek that he is, he Couldn't lay a brick in a wheelbarrow, Lift a block over his knees and he surely wouldn't know what makes a building structually solid if it fell on him. Diregarding what he said, I am actually a damn fine bricklayer, I have been a mason for about 15 years or so. Today we laid 60+ pound 12" block all day, I am freaking beat now lol. We finished after 6 long weeks of that shit, I finally start on brick tomorrow! Yayyeeee!!!
Wow, fifteen years at it? Are you a master mason? I used to be a secretary for a construction company, and when I went to a jobsite, I always found the masons quite fascinating to watch. :D
Pouring concrete foundations was pretty cool to observe, too. ;)
Not only a but the master mason lol. Yeah, been some time in, I'll say.
It is fun to watch though. Funny, I like how you actually knew the difference between a bricklayer and a form worker/floor finisher. Most people, when I say mason, think I do concrete, But I don't do much of that (Though I can) stuff.