KALISIA new sample online

There's some pretty great moments in there, but somehow the whole picture doesn't seem quite mature enough. I like both your vocalists very much, the female one especially... Your music still doesn't match your bands musicians skills. Very interesting stuff and i do look forward to hear more, but you should focus more on the songwriting, instead of just jumping to the next part, progress into it. Sometimes you do that too, but then there are some really disturbing jumps... Does that make any sense? I'm really not very good at explaining myself...
Thanks for the comments ! Yeah I understand what you mean, but keep in mind that this is not the whole picture, just a 4 minutes extract from a 1h10m long song. So I guess you'll think it's even worst on the whole thing, lol ! :) But as Lee once said, the good thing is that if you don't like a part, the next one is not far ;)
It sounds really good, I like it, and I'm really looking forward to hear the whole thing, since I'm a big fan of this kind of long progressive compositions. My only complaint is that it sounds a little bit "happy" to my ears, hope there's something darker in the rest of the song/album :p
Haha, thanks a lot for listening and for the comments :) Yeah don't worry, this part is the "happiest" one, it's the end of the story and so a kind of deliverance for the main character, so it's pompous bombastic epic pretentious and all that, lol :D
Haha, cool.

The sound is already pretty decent so I guess the final mastered version will sound great :headbang:
I think there are a load of amazing musicians out there that have been inspired by Dream Theatre and bands like that. Then they practice like mad! Then they get together and say things like... Messhugga are cool and hey I like Fear Factory and before you know it they say to themselves if we mix up Dream Theatre and Messhigga and Fear Factory then we won;t sound like any one of them and we'll get noticed.... It kinda sounds like that!

My point is that I know of lots of bands doing what you are doing with the sounds and influences you are going for.

I think that the playing is technically brilliant and that you all have real virtuosity and pro sound. But... The approach in the writing will make you just like all the other virtuosi bands with your influences. Unless you put as much effort into being stylistic with your great technique then all you will be doing is find a context to shred and to say to everyone hey I sound a bit like John Petrucci etc etc.

With a band with few technical limitation like yours there is no style within limitation nor the desire for an original voice as a band creating a sound and as songwriters and musical composers. If I were to go to one of your gigs I would probably be blown away by the brilliance but if all there is is shredding then what is there to remember but hey they sound a bit like such and such a band.

I can honestly say that I have been impressed with your work Brett. You have an ear for your instrument and for the sound engineer/frequencies thing. I think you analyse sound very well, but your band has no strong sense of style beyond being a group of whailing shredders and there isn;t any evidence of your grasp of originality in songwriting from your recent demos on your myspace page.

I can;t help but tell it to you straight! I know it's not an opinion that would sit well but it is honest and it is on;y my opinion! YOur programming on the To-Mera stuff is very nice! Taste within a creative boundary. It really suits your playing and you responded with musicallity over and above the flashiness of hey look at me I'm a virtuoso! And you are a virtuoso!

For instance have a look at bands like Syntheticbreed or Descent Into Madness etc etc. There are loads of bands like this all over the place! Same production and similar influences. AND all icredible on their instruments but without an original sound.

Keep Kissing that arse Hopkins!


Sometimes I come across harshly and it is in my nature to state my opinions with conviction but my motives are to benefit Brett and not just to be a sycophant like you.

When I come across a talent like Brett who can arrange, play and engineer music to that degree then all that comes to mind is to be of help.

If a friend is starting a business and they ask you your opinion and you see a risk, do you say the things they want to hear and watch them go bankrupt or do you speak out?

About 10 years ago I used to teach people at a FE college how to play, and improvise music. I watch them improve and gave them little things to master to guide them on the path. I’ve always tried to help – beginners, pros.

I think that as an up and coming producer Brett would understand where I’m coming from. And as I said; it is just my opinion (I’m entitled to that aren’t Hopkins).

You're entitled to talk with your butt, and we're entitled to tell you we think you're talking with your butt. So don't give me that "my opinion is valid" bullshit, it works both ways.

You might have just come across Kalisia, but they've actually been going for a damn long time, in fact one magazine voted their demo as an all time classic death metal release. Brett and co. have been working on this album since before i can even remember. Can't remember which, but Brett will know. Therefore your friends going bankrupt comment is not applicable here, and besides people learn from the own mistakes, if you were such a great teacher then you'd know that surely?

The comparing music to starting a business shit also really annoys me, music and business should be two mutually exclusive factors, the only correlation being that if you can make a living playing music, you're either a lucky bastard in the right place at the right time, or you're not in fact a musician but a business-person making a product for mass consumption. Any real art is a labour of love, and given the amount of time Brett has spent writing and recording this material, i think he clearly stands as an artist and NOT a business person

Also, personal attacks pretty much invalidate your argument anyway as per the rules of of logical discourse, so don't try to act smart. Calling me a sycophant is also pretty darned funny, as when Brett and myself have conversations we spend half the time arguing and calling each other names, does that count as ass-kissing in your book?
Actually i agree with DHD pretty much. I really don't care how long Kalisia has been up and running (no offense Brett...) but with that much virtuosity in one band, they really should have the material to stand out from the rest of the virtuosos.
Haha, hey peaces brothers :)
I don't care people not liking our music or thinking it's not original (on that I totally disagree but I won't try to change your mind), all I hope is that you'll still give the album a chance and maybe, who knows, you'll change your mind about it :)
Oh and by the way, I'm everything BUT a virtuoso ! :D