Ken and co., you guys Ok?

Everything is OK here. Didn't lose power or experience any flooding. Should be firing up the grill in about an hour.

Jim's house had some minor damage but he should be back at work tomorrow.

Thanks for asking.
Great to hear everything is fine.

I was panicking when there was flooding just several blocks down. It would suck to have to dry my 3000 CDs and hundreds or records together with lots of gear if my condo would get flooded, but nothing really bad happened in my part of Brooklyn.
Thanks for asking guys...we held up ok all things considered. They say my house won't have power til Monday at the earliest, but it could always be worse.
Read on FB that Jerry Gaskill from King's X lost everything. He lived near the ocean apparently. He's had a pretty rough year (heart attack and now this)
If One more Person comes up to me And says """I Never Lost Power"" Im going to loose it.