Looking for somebody

Pete Morten

Jan 18, 2007
Hi everybody, Pete Morten here from Threshold. After our show on the Friday night I got talking to a cool girl named May Neilson and I was just wondering if anybody on this forum knew who she was. She lives in Copenhagen I believe and she may be a regular attendee at 'The Rock'
If anybody could help with this that would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Pete you sly dog, just whip your guitar out and girls will flock to you pied piper style.
Get back in the UK ok?

And you're in my avatar - feel privileged.

Need I say more. Murhaha! Great show, kicked my ass.
Hi Stantz

Cool man, how are you ha ha. Yeah I noticed the picture of us on the Threshold forum and yes I am both privileged and honored :headbang:

Good picture man. Yea I kinda look cool I guess ha ha
I got home alright man, how about you?

Take it easy dude, and was cool to meet you!

Aye and you!

Longest journey home ever, but it was worth every minute. Was great meeting you all ('bout time!) and all the other bands for that matter.

Hope you find the elusive Miss Neilson! Try a facebook search :p
