
I fucking want to know why the hell.... that album is very delayed for so many years. O.L as one of my fave metal bands ever u have to be ashamed... you piss me off!!!! lol

Shalom, Dobar Den Kobi btw:)
Lier in Wait, from both Shape of despair albums i`ve heard, i didnt noticed any folkish tunes, unlike fintroll or moonsorrow... but it sure was the most amazing atmosphere doom i`ve ever tasted!
finns can create amazing doom metal...
b.t.w. i love "the mist`s" site graphics!
Hello friend!

Was that Turkish that you have just spoke?

Because I just wanted to tell you that me and my Orphaned-Land brothers were in Turkey for a gig in December 2001 and we had a hell of a time there, beautifull country! We were also in the mosque (spelled correctly?) which photo we used on the cover of our debut album - "Sahara" and it was thrilling.

Mabool is on it's way dude, we are working hard on it's release. We have a fresh new killer drummer named Avi and also new meterial we hope all you Orphans will like, so stay around for all the latest news!

Yeah, I was wondering about this myself. Seems the last word I'd heard was Century Media was going to release it, but that was over two years ago!

Quality music *is* worth waiting for, but come on now!!! Hurry up already!!
onn nah it's not turkish ... it's Bulgarian... it's just becouse of Kobi's Bulgarian root:) Yeah I know u were in Turkey... I tryed to be well informed what you lazy arses do... I already had thoughts that u got back in the army... :)
Lier in Wait, the favourite album poll is waiting for your vote and explaination on why you voted what you voted :cool:

Damn, I can be a leech sometimes :lol:
Chormon Yagazran :) Love you bro.

About Mabool, its on the way, all I can tell you is that I believe its our Masterpiece, It was never so painfull to me to work on an album such as this, Im in pain!!! it is such a sad album...
The reasons why it was delayed are many, most important is our belief that kept us around all this time, Orphaned Land was always our dream come true, please be patient for just a little more...
Another interesting thing about this album, is that it`s a Theme album, it has a clear spine that goes through the whole recording, and develops in a wonderful way!
i did not listen to it yet (no one really did) but from a glimpse listen of one track (the limited addition single given at the acoustic show in Tel aviv 28.08.02).
i wish i were in this show....i remeber how i fought with my parents about going parents won:(
but i'm sure there'll be another time i'll be abel to see you guys!

i think all of us waiting for the new album! i'm sure it will be one of the bests!
hey Orphaned Matti! i did not know that the picture of the dome of the mosque was shot in turkey... do you remember which one it was? probably Sultanahmed or Yenicamii?