Man my friend is sauced... What is your rating on the sauce-o-meter?

How Sauced is my friend

  • 0/5 He's not, he is a loser and pretending to be drunk

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • 1/5 he's just got a buzz and he's fuckin with ya

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • 2/5 He's drunk, but not more than i am right now

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • 3/5 THAT's gonna be a nasty hangover

    Votes: 10 28.6%
  • 4/5 Shit man he ain't gonna move for a week!

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • 5/5 Dude i think you should call someone.. he's gonna die

    Votes: 8 22.9%

  • Total voters


Queer Old Man
Jan 12, 2002
Calgary, AB, Canada
hehe, my friend is a stupid drunk ass right now... It's 5 AM here, and he's on MSN being a complete idiot. Thought you might like to see it.

Brian says:
Mikey says:
... shh i am sleeping
Brian says:
a new personal bnest... 1`6.
Mikey says:
Mikey says:
u drunk fool
Brian says:
i likke th beer.
Brian says:
i'm not drunk.
Mikey says:
where's IGA girl?
Brian says:
iu'm on 16.
Brian says:
9in my b3ecd.
Brian says:
Mikey says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
i like the berr
Mikey says:
u are messed like a squirrel
Brian says:
Brian says:
Mikey says:
Brian says:
splain more
Mikey says:
man u are drunk
Brian says:
i like bte sgquirrel
Brian says:
i know!
Brian says:
i liknw rhw bwwr
Mikey says:
Mikey says:
man go hump IGA girl
Mikey says:
is she still there?
Brian says:
i had a cuggin contest qith a girl and she licked my ass!
Brian says:
Brian says:
kicked, not licked
Mikey says:
Brian says:
i'm on muy 17th beer
Brian says:
i can
Mikey says:
so you didn't answer... she is there still?
Brian says:
t wee
Brian says:
Brian says:
ye4p, she's in my bed
Brian says:
my ssisyer ius driving people home
Brian says:
another girl kissed me ghooeniite
Brian says:
it was funny
Mikey says:
Brian says:
she ane i had a chugging ccontest
Mikey says:
wait a minute... your sister wasthere?
Brian says:
she kicked my ass
Brian says:
Brian says:
sister = transvestite was here
Brian says:
il ike the pussy
Brian says:
i don't wanna tryh to etet in her pants
Brian says:
me tooo driny
Brian says:
Brian says:
i lik e the beers
Mikey says:
Brian says:
i'm to drunk o do notuhin
Mikey says:
if i were you i would be ALL OVER her! The drunker i am the dirtier i get
Brian says:
wghy are tyou tilll up?
Brian says:
no , i can
Brian says:
t te g an irrection whe n i'm drunk
Mikey says:
i am off to bed right now actually
Mikey says:
Brian says:
i 'm probablyh goin to char\f anyway.
Mikey says:
i can
Brian says:
Brian says:
i'm drunk.
Mikey says:
haha, write me an email right now
Brian says:
im poong pa tp tjhow up now. i've had 16 beers.
Brian says:
np, no email.,, ii'm too drunk.
Brian says:
Brian says:
i like hthe porn
Brian says:
Mikey says:
Brian says:
well i;n going to jhouib a ghottie in bed.
Mikey says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
i gf you awant to.
Brian says:
i like pouuusy.
Mikey says:
Brian says:
Mikey says:
man you can't spell
Brian says:
ok, i'vve had 166 beers.
Brian says:
Brian says:
Mikey says:
166? whoa
Brian says:
it's kloinda cpnrifsomg/
Brian says:
suhut up
Mikey says:
mand have some water and Ibuprofen
Brian says:
oomp potawe; om;os
Mikey says:
Brian says:
oghajwer poujta oatjowmm
Brian says:
o; o;jwole jhte pousa]
Mikey says:
what the hell are you sayng?!?!
Brian says:
whootps sring gkeys
Brian says:
Brian says:
m tooo druhnk to spellll
Mikey says:
Brian says:
i drinak 16 beers
Mikey says:
man you are gonna HURT LIKE HELL tomorrow
Brian says:
o ;olj,me tje [issyhs
Brian says:
Brian says:
o ; ,mem tjat o wamt pt[ ;ome
Brian says:
Brian says:
Mikey says:
dude those aren't even close to words...
Brian says:
, pgpiont tp hirt tp,prrpw
Mikey says:
are you just mashingthe keyboard?
Brian says:
tyhis sucks
Brian says:
npo,. o
Mikey says:
Brian says:
, tou[omg
Brian says:
il ikne the beets
Brian says:
Brian says:
sorrty ui'm drubk
Mikey says:
oh man stop it i won't be able to sleep cause you're making me laugh too hard
Brian says:
tyou missed out on obne helluva party
Brian says:
i like hte pussys
Brian says:
Mikey says:
who all was there?
Brian says:
Brian says:
m gpiong top charf
Brian says:
i had 16 beers!
Brian says:
Mikey says:
well... don't do it on the keyboard
Brian says:
Mikey says:
Brian says:
no problem
Brian says:
i like t drink
Brian says:
erin kissed me goggndight
Brian says:
it was good
Mikey says:
that tops my record of 15... at least that is the most i REMEMBER drinkin
Brian says:
she and i kissedd gogodnight
Brian says:
i wand to fuck her
Mikey says:
Erin who?
Brian says:
she was hot
Brian says:
i like her good
Brian says:
like good!
Brian says:
i've beber goodn whis drunk with out throwing uyp,
Brian says:
i still ha ve half a ber bow iun front of me.
Brian says:
tou there?
Brian says:
Mikey says:
Brian says:
Mikey says:
well i am off to bed now
Brian says:
i;''m, going to thowo fup soon.
Mikey says:
i am too tired to stay up
Brian says:
stay alittle lpknger
Mikey says:
well make sure you hit the toilet or at least the sink
Brian says:
mike can i ask you a question?
Mikey says:
Brian says:
how do you mana ge to stay by youself on a saturday noght?
Mikey says:
easy, i don't know anyone
Brian says:
i'm drunk , but i'm with my friends. shopt i can't feel my face.
Brian says:
i better not drink mno more
Brian says:
i likkkkke thie drunky
Brian says:
Brian says:
Mikey says:
Brian says:
i tknow that you are aparty guy, and you like the company pf people, but how do you stay by yourelf? tel;; me the truty?
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
's m[[asesed out.
Brian says:
it suckes i'm the only on eup.
Brian says:
when i charf o it's goin to suck
Mikey says:
yes it will
Brian says:
hpw'ts ioitg;oinmg?
Brian says:
i want erin.
Mikey says:
how do i do it? easy... I DON'T KNOW ANYONE! who am i gonna go out with? and i have no car
Brian says:
she's hot and she smells good.
Brian says:
idunno, scone wup with supoethim.
Brian says:
com elinve with me.
Brian says:
it'll be funny
Brian says:
i have the bastment now.
Brian says:
girls like to have sex in thbasment
Brian says:
i don't know nbujut they mignht
Brian says:
cory is taling jnout me, btuu i can't make ui tup staris.
Brian says:
fuck it.
Mikey says:
Brian says:
i'm fucke dup ito oit sucks
Brian says:
stpo li apithi at me.
Mikey says:
well i should go man... i am really tired
Brian says:
i 'k, s;rr[u
Brian says:
mp. s;l yp , rmnpe@
Brian says:
nmo vs;yo p ,r mp mpe@
Mikey says:
pardon me? you seem to be slurring your letters
Brian says:
no ta;l to ,er mwp!
Brian says:
Mikey says:
oh my...
Brian says:
now ta;l t mnwh
Brian says:
i can't asee/
Mikey says:
this is a new language isn't it
Brian says:
no, i',m juust drimlu
Brian says:
Brian says:
i have 16 beers, al;mpost 17
Mikey says:
you're drimlu? is that you'r Pagan name?
Brian says:
i can't feel; my face.
Brian says:
yes i8ne ;agan it's me new name
Brian says:
i like tho e drhhin cufck carea?
Brian says:
what you say?
Brian says:
i lik he the berrs erin npot byt sge bit ub nt ved
Brian says:
i likde to lick her ass
Brian says:
abd fuck her dodo
Brian says:
Mikey says:
Brian says:
i can't se.e
Brian says:
cory is' mainkinf unnoon fme!
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
ti need to spppber up.
Brian says:
i loveo myou mike
Brian says:
you the man.
Brian says:
my limit is no2 16 beers.
Brian says:
we went to th beervox, bvut tghyue ewer eo peoned, and i went to tbe couhnter and he splld me beeras!
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
i 'm going to throw up ssooon.
Mikey says:
Brian says:
talk fro a longer now.
Brian says:
i like the computer. io want tto fucker shaunss ssiter but she daid now.
Brian says:
Mikey says:
oh shit man... you are so drunk i crapped my pants!
Brian says:
cool, not really i don't like to crap cpnats!
Brian says:
htat sucks!

Mikey says:
shauns sister is dead?
Brian says:
i'd suoc her ass!
Brian says:
he's a hottie!
Brian says:
i like to lick her asas if she let me.
Brian says:
hold on a sdec ogoing to pee
Mikey says:
ok brian i gotta go now though
Brian says:
now , you stay/
Brian says:
me dysy ypooo snf yslk yo you
Brian says:
miuke now the good guy
Mikey says:
night brian
Brian says:
no, you stay now
Brian says:
cory asys gu?
Brian says:
hey mike brians pretty drunk
Mikey says:
yeah i can see hehe
Brian says:
Mikey says:
did you drink much?
Brian says:
ive ha a few but not as bad as brian
Brian says:
fuck brians on the floor laughting

Mikey says:
are his eyes doing that half closed thing?
Brian says:
i wish you could see this
Brian says:
Brian says:
they are
Mikey says:
haha i know that look
Brian says:
ya ahahah
Brian says:
he wants to talk again
Mikey says:
Brian says:
but hes too drunk
Brian says:
Brian says:
Brian says:
how i sit oging tmujke?
Mikey says:
Brian says:
i can type for mystif.
Mikey says:
for your stiff?
Mikey says:
shit man... that's not what that's for
Brian says:
tes tgeere are goiung to good for yom.
Brian says:
u xb;atr see abymore.
Mikey says:
Brian i have to go to bed now... it is 5 AM and i have to study
Brian says:
no, you stay now'
Brian says:
you dnodamnright have to study!
Mikey says:

Did you actually read this whole thing?!?! Shit man it is long. Never expected you to get all the way to the bottom...
Oh and as i was making this thread this is what he wrote to me.

Brian says:
muike a go df frine now.
Brian says:
mike you're a good friend now.
Brian says:
i liek to drink bedrs noqw./
Brian says:
mikke are you there?

Brian says:
Brian says:

Brian says:
i thnk ti'm sogberin up now./
Brian says:

Brian says:
uiwet sucjh ei li nto !

Brian says:
come ove rnow! mik4e!
i likji3 5t oerink
Brian says:
by boi wnmyujem u;v e ngiubt i drsugb yuoo biw,
I like it how after writing a almost completely gibberish and incoherent sentence.... he repeats the last word with PERFECTLY CORRECT SPELLING.

This means he's either Yankin' your chain.... or even funnier, he realises that what he's saying doesn't make much sense.... and spends A LOT of time getting that one last word right the 2nd time he types it! :lol:
I dont know about anyone else, but I almost crapped my pants reading that. It was so funny when he kept saying that he can't see. I could just picture what this guy looks like, and what that gibberish would sound like spoken lol............
Spike said:
I like it how after writing a almost completely gibberish and incoherent sentence.... he repeats the last word with PERFECTLY CORRECT SPELLING.

This means he's either Yankin' your chain.... or even funnier, he realises that what he's saying doesn't make much sense.... and spends A LOT of time getting that one last word right the 2nd time he types it! :lol:
actually, when I'm drunk I usually do like that.. I mean, I don't care as much for spelling.. but when something doesn't make sense at all (and I notice that it doesn't), I carefully spell it out correcting it a few times until I get it right :)