Maryland Deathfest XIII

Aug 14, 2008
Aeternus (Norway) *
Arcturus (Norway) *
Aura Noir (Norway) *
Bulldozer (Italy) *
Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult (Germany)
Dragged into Sunlight (UK)
Einherjer (Norway) *
Impetuous Ritual (Australia) *
Lock Up *
Lycanthrophy (Czech Republic)
Melt-Banana (Japan)
Metal Church
Portal (Australia) *
Serpentine Path
Skepticism (Finland) *
Suffering Mind (Poland)
Triptykon (Switzerland) *
Tsjuder (Norway) *
Twilight of the Gods *
Ufomammut (Italy)
Vallenfyre (UK) *
Vulcano (Brazil) *
Wolfbrigade (Sweden) *

Don't shoot the messenger by the way regarding Arcturus please. To be honest, this line up so far isn't super appealing aside from a few bands, Melt-Banana being the coolest band on here and it's not even exclusive.

Einherjer would be really cool to see too.
Much better than expected. Arcturus, Aura Noir, Bulldozer, DNS, Demoncy, Dragged Into Sunlight, Impetuous Ritual, Master, Metal Church, Portal, Skepticism, Tsjuder, Vulcano, and Winter are a great start.
Very good start. Some definite bands I want to see, but no bands that are must-sees like MDB and Dark Angel were last year except for Arcturus, which I can't get fully on board yet as who knows if they actually stay on board.
you now advanced +1 KVLT level. We missed you this past week being gone.


Goatsnake are KVLT??????????????
Maybe to some hipsters I suppose.....

As for how the PP forum would react to Arcturus?

Crickets as I expected..

Let's be honest. It's not like before they were booked they had a TON of raging fans here. It was a cool oddball booking, but just as quickly as people became fans of them, they just as easily became enemies of theirs when they canceled....
Since I'm old, I had to Google "KVLT". Urban Dictionary helped me out:

"Pronounced as 'cult'. kvlt is a way in the black metal scene - among other scenes in which the philosophy houses that if less people know the work of art you want/pretend to like because less people know it your penis is bigger, to say that a work of art is terrible obscure and to live under the believe that that automatically makes a work of art better.
This philosophy is a stunning piece of reasoning and has kept me under the believe since I was 14 that the x-zillion types of unknown genres and obscure music I listen to is in fact better because it doesn't even sound like music anymore and it still works perfect.
So get your kvltness today."

Me: "This new Vinterriket album is kvlt as f**k."
True blackmetaller: "stfu"
Me: "Rolling on the pickle crown, laughing. Don't use internet abbreviations."
Sodom (Germany) - Exclusive US appearance!

Demilich (Finland) - Exclusive US appearance!

Napalm Death (UK) - Headlining one of the nights at Soundstage.

Anaal Nathrakh (UK) - Exclusive US appearance!

Primordial (Ireland) - Most likely an exclusive US appearance. If not, MDF will be one of only a few US shows.

Martyrdöd (Sweden)


Noxa (Indonesia)

Water Torture

Early Graves


Mother Brain


HOLY FUCK - aside from Sodom and that last one, every band in this announcement is mandatory.