My Argosy Arrived


Sep 21, 2006
and i built it tonight

so pumped to get this puppy filled with gear!


(ignore the shitty room its sitting in)
btw, i should probably mention that these desks are LEGIT. they are built solid as a tank. during assembly you'll think, this might have some give. but no. it has none. it is rock solid. i seriously cannot budge or rattle any section of its construction.
Horizontal might look better on that desk but I've read vertical is preferable. A quick review of the Adams would be very appreciated, BTW :)
Everything I've read (including the Tannoy manual for my Reveal 5A's) says that horizontally mounting speakers is NOT a good idea for phasing reasons when you move your head left and right. There's too much to type out to quote, but here's a link to a .pdf of it - a good, concise read, and makes a lot of sense!
cigarette smoke is an enemy to your gear though.... and some clients that don't smoke might find it impossible to stay for long in a room with you.... or in the room at all if it reeks of old smoke.
Haha, it took me a sec to figure out why you mentioned that, and then I saw the filled ashtray next to the computer :lol: Yeah, talk about shitty for gear, especially pots!