My personal thoughts on the Kamelot situation

I'm not a huge Kamelot fan but feel the need to bring up 2 points.

1. Glenn, I get the feeling that that was a fairly ballsy move putting that out in the open. Well done sir.

2. Kamelot have handled the whole situation very professionally. In this day and age of facebook, twitter and forums all the mystery has been sucked out of alot of bands. Too many bands and celebs feel the need to overshare and I really hate it. I don't wanna know that Portnoy begged to join DT again after he got booted from his mid life crisis band, thats just too much info. Well done to the Kamelot boys for acting how they have.
I've always liked Kamelot, and Khan but also find him to be kinda limited vocally. One reason I like when he collaborates ex. Dimmur Borgirs vocalist.. Simone/Epica etc. A lot of his songs sound the same, similar range, similar vocal melodies and even lyrics etc. Almost always picture a guy with a flameld torch lifted and climbing a mountain in the darkness in order to "make a sacrifice for the truuuuuuth"!

Love Liones voice but am curious to see if or how it fits. Khan matched Kamelot. Interested to see how this plays out. Wouldn't releasing say live dvds help them in the meantime? Has Khan said which "religion"? Or is it he's just more seriously seeking right now? While i understand how this is unfortunately causing problems, and it could possibly be handled better I say good for him for searching, whether I'm the only one saying that or not.

Yea reminds me a bit of Toshi but I don't think this will break Kamelot up and I've seen no word its a cult vs a world religion. Khan was a better singer than the previous one, they've already been having substitutes and with these possible replacements they could maybe even find a better match. I also thought he was seriously sick and was concerned for some clarification would be great for the Kamelot fan base. In the meantime I'm interested to hear how Fabio will sound in Kamelot.
Some people use religion as an excuse for their behavior. Khan could possibly be using religion as an out. I don't know this for certain, but it is a possibility.

And just because one is a Christian doesn't mean they'll be okay with metal. I've encountered plenty of Christians who insist that anything heavy metal is satanic, and that if it's a Christian metal band, then it's not really Christian because it's a METAL band. Has Khan gone this route? I certainly hope not, but some folks do, and there is a chance, however slim, that he feels that way, too.

As for why he hasn't said anything...who knows? Maybe he is worried about the backlash. Many people who are not Christian get very ugly towards Christians.

But anything regarding Khan's departure, reasons for leaving, and subsequent silence is all speculation.

I really do wish Kamelot the best, with or without Khan, and I'm confident they will keep releasing quality music, regardless.

Orb, I want to make something very clear: I used that as an example of something he could have said. It could have been the same for any other faith. I used that because it is what iI normally hear on the airwaves. If it implied that he chose Christianity, i apologize as it was not the intent. What I was doing is making an example of someone making a statement of a life-changing event. What I wrote was plainly an example only and not an expression of any truth.
Khantatat is Persian. So he may be Zoroastrian, BaHai, Muslim (!!!), or any number of other things.

If he's taking a world religion class, as a philosophy minor, I'd be very surprised if he went the Christian route especially if he doesn't get into prolegomena (prior things) ie first principles of reason vs just a class or cursory look into logic or what not.
While the idea of Khan not being in Kamelot (or in any band) anymore makes me want to jump in front of a moving subway train,


If you plan on doing this tonight, DON'T DO IT between Court Square and Church Avenue. The last thing I need is someone putting on the board "Stingray Kills Stardust with Train." :p:lol::lol:
with or without him I think Kamelot is going to succeed. From what I hear they did just fine at ProgPower doing what they had to do with as little time as they had to do it in. If that's not a sign of them being capable to continue despite anything that happens with Roy, then I don't know what is. I will continue to support Kamelot regardless...

I have a lot of respect and appreciation for Thomas. He's a great guy and the thing that really solidified my support for Kamelot was when Thomas took the time to watch my old band when we opened for them at the Masquerade and then e-mailed us afterwards.

Roy Khan isn't Kamelot....Kamelot is Kamelot, and Kamelot is damn good.

I'd have to agree completely with this post.

As far as Glenn's post, good to know some of the behind the scenes stuff not being told. If he found religion and the Kamelot thing isn't a priority, I say more power to him as much as fans would probably go nuts about hearing. I've always been a firm believer that if someone's heart isn't in it, they shouldn't be doing it. Though I don't think he should keep the band in confusion for much longer.
Kamelot is great because of Kamelot, not because of Roy. If that was the case, then Conception would have been a lot more popular.

I don't really agree with that...the comparison of Conception and Kamelot that is. They are two totally different bands and Kamelot I can see appealing to more people than Conception. But I do agree that Kamelot is great on its own merit and isn't just because of the singer. Yeah, they got more popular with him, but as others have said, there are other bands who have had successful runs with multiple singers. It can happen here too. Will there be fans that drop off when Khan officially no longer becomes part of the band? Of course, but at the same time they may gain new fans.
As someone who started to speculate that this "illness" was much more severe than origionally thought (and "someone in the know"
kinda set the record straight at that other board I post at*wink wink and thanks for clarifying this)..
1.The fact that he isn't in grave health makes me happy because I feel one day we will hear his amazing voice in some form again,if its not in Kamelot so be it
2.Kameolt's songwriting is top notch.Khan's vocals are just icing on the cake as they say...
I am absolutely sure they would have the pick of the litter as they say if they decide to do a new vocalist search....while Fabio's voice is really not my preference as I feel they could do better,it will work for th etime being....
3.Would love to see Lance King get this gig personally
Though I had a feeling Khan was history at the time he left, what I don't get is all the silence. It is near insanity. But, though i greatly appreciate your view on this, Glenn, I have a question: What do you mean by "finding religion"?

There are probably many born-again Christians on the board, as there are in bands. Theocracy and Rob Rock to name two. Many people who have found religion see it as such a euphoric experience that they need to share it with others. Randy Bachmann, Cat Stevens and Neil Morse are examples of those who shared their conversions to various faiths to the world. I mean if Khan accepted Christ as his Savior, or believed that Muhammad was the prophet of Allah, and felt that Kamelot's music was not compatible with his new found faiths, would he not say so? Is it that hard to say, "Dear Kamelotians, .........recently I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour.......after study, I need to eliminate these past sins of my involvement in acceptance of Christ's teachings preclude me from singing about murder, satanic imagery and is with immediate effect that I am removing myself as the frontman for Kamelot.....I wish nothing but success for Kamelot in the years down the road. Yours in Christ, Roy Saertre Khantatat. (Before I get a lynch mob, this is ONLY for example!)

Do you know what? Nothing further would be said! Who would wish this man ill afterwards? Who would be blasting Youngblood et al? Nobody! We would all be doing for Kamelot what we did for Nightwish: speculating everyone and their mother for Kamelot frontman.

The other thing that we can say "finding religion" is that Khan pulled a Peter Criss and stormed from Kamelot because he thought Thomas screwed him financially. You can somewhat understand the silence then. Khan does not want to burn a legal challenge, and Youngblood does not want to open a legal firebomb. Which comes to my next point: How much of KMI does Khan own? I mean, Youngblood could be loading up the bus for the tour with Fabio, and some schmo comes from behind the lampost and says, "Hey! You Tommy Youngblood? That famous guitarist from Kamelot? I love your work on Fourth Legacy. Great riifs. Just simply masterful. Oh, by the way, this is for you." as he takes a cease and desist order from his pocket and hands it to Youngblood. buh-bye tour.

This is the incredible problem of all the silence. Nobody knows anything, and that will affect sales. It leaves two points: Can Kamelot even get Fabio permission to work in this country? And, could there be a legal war that will affect this tour for years down the road?

I understand both sides observing radio silence. But, is it just putting a band-aid on a volcano?

Dude, finding religion means finding religion. There are a million better euphemisms to imply that there were ownership issues with the other guys in the band. Additionally, they've been together for how long now? Why would they be squabbling over earnings NOW and not earlier on? Not to mention, holding the band's activities hostage yields the exact opposite effect in regards to earning money. If the situation was that dire, he should've outright quit (or the main songwriter of the band, and the one with the largest ownership of its property could kick him out). But yeah, that's not the case at all.

Secondly, you'd be reaaally suprised. There are TONS AND TONS of Christian musicians that keep their Christianity a secret from the public, or try to as best as possible because the image of their band is secular and personal beliefs shouldn't have an impact on that. Most bands want to be non-denominational, so unless it's a Christian band, it's usually horrible for a band's image for a dude to come out as religious.

Additionally, the reconciliation of that secular, non denominational image and those religious beliefs, can be hard sometimes.
Not a very intelligent comment.

It's a matter of taste. I checked out the new Spiritual Beggars as well and didn't care for it a single bit.

I understand you worship these guys, but to me, a comment that's not very intelligent would sound like this:

"Paris Hilton is a good singer."

"Freedom Call is an original band who's at the top of the Power Metal scene."

"Angra's guitarists are not very good."

"ProgPower USA's lineup sucks."

"Khan is a traitor, he ruined Kamelot."

I was in the gee-hope-he's-okay camp; even burnout is an understandable impetus for his actions. But to drop everyone's collective ass in the dust for *religion*? Short of the Final Judgement occurring right this minute, I can't imagine what about it was so important that it was worth screwing over so many people - why he couldn't have completed at least his short-term obligations, or even not gotten involved in a new album and tour in the first place if he knew this was coming.

Class act, that.
It's a matter of taste. I checked out the new Spiritual Beggars as well and didn't care for it a single bit.

I understand you worship these guys, but to me, a comment that's not very intelligent would sound like this:

"Paris Hilton is a good singer."

"Freedom Call is an original band who's at the top of the Power Metal scene."

"Angra's guitarists are not very good."

"ProgPower USA's lineup sucks."

"Khan is a traitor, he ruined Kamelot."



True I guess, I'm just not so into negative comments about musicians. If I was I would have piped up about the Kahn situation earlier. However, I'll keep that to myself.. He He...

True I guess, I'm just not so into negative comments about musicians. If I was I would have piped up about the Kahn situation earlier. However, I'll keep that to myself.. He He...

I hear you. At no time I actually thought you were being 100% serious about that. Therefore, I replied with a bit of sarcasm... lol

All good though.