New Dark Moor!!! Awesome band...

Does not sound as symphonic as their ones before though. Very melodic though....Solo is a killer...
Great band. was not a huge fan of their last album. Solid song, however I feel the video takes away from the song.
Saw Dark Moor last year in Europe and it is extremely sad to say: this is not the same neo-classical, symphonic band we all remember. Their show was not only very radio pop friendly (fine, I let this slip because bands change) but it was absolutely horrible live (this I can't let slip). I have such high hopes that Dark Moor would reunite the same team who did Gates of Oblivion or Hall of Olden Dreams... but the product that is currently on stage is not the classic Dark Moor sound. I fear the day Dark Moor comes to ProgPower and people stand around asking "what the f is this?".

I haven't watched the embedded video above yet - - just had to post my feelings.