New Forum Name Tags

No offense here to anyone..but I agree, I dont like the 'f**k you, I think thats tacky and shows no class..and I dont want to introduce myself that way either.
BenMech said:
Why can't we have a tag that simply says "Welcome to ProgPower USA. My name is (...)"
Excellent Idea Ben, i totally like that idea, and is worthy of consideration.
Wkdchylde said:
No offense here to anyone..but I agree, I dont like the 'f**k you, I think thats tacky and shows no class..and I dont want to introduce myself that way either.

Ok, there's is a pretty big misunderstanding here. Someone didn't simply come in and suggest a name tag saying "F*ck you, my name is..." just for kicks. That would indeed be tacky.

It was an insider joke based on a heated discussion that occurred on this board a few months ago. Seriously, that's all it was. The tag would be for the humor of the people on the board involved in the discussion or that were aware of it. The whole thing got blown out of proportion.

Now, when you take a step back and look at it from an outsider's point of view - they don't know about the joke, so on the surface it does indeed appear tacky and distasteful, which then makes it understandable to rethink the "joking name tag" thing for the benefit of those like "Wkdchylde" who weren't aware of the inside joke.
BenMech said:
Why can't we have a tag that simply says "Welcome to ProgPower USA. My name is (...)"

Love it!

And we could replace the Power Rangers background with Ward and June Cleaver. :)
AMBR said:
Ok, last time I'm going to mention it:
Do you want me to create the poster with everyone's forum name and photo like last year? Just create a thread for everyone to post their photo and I'll snag 'em and put them together.

Yeah that was awesome last year Ambr Thanks for doing it.
Cheiron said:
Now I know the intention is so that us forum hounds can identify each other, but I'm sure there's a better way...

Maybe a “bring your own” approach? The bulletin board would be a great “refresher” for folks who have previously attended and are already somewhat familiar with names/faces.

However, as a newbie, I’d be more likely to “recognize” folks early on in the festivities if they were wearing a screen name/avatar on a badge or nametag – rather than trying to figure out whether or not the person sitting behind me is *really* the one I saw in the photograph.

It usually takes me a little while to remember faces. One of my more embarrassing moments was several years ago, when I was leaving an event for work that had valet parking. Near the valet station, a guy held out his hand and said hello. I handed him my valet ticket. He said, “um…no…I’m so-and-so (I’ve since blocked out the name). We met a couple of weeks ago?”

Oops. :oops: :oops: :oops:

Maybe for my benefit, y'all could just wear tags that say, "I'm NOT the valet"?
...and here's where it all went wrong.

TheWhisper said:
Find me at progpower and say 'Fuck You' to my face and I'll buy you a beer.

This offer only applies to the first person to actually find me, and say the required phrase to my face. After all...I ain't made of money...bitches!

Then Pellaz posted in reponse to my post.

Pellaz said:
Originally Posted by TheWhisper
Find me at progpower and say 'Fuck You' to my face and I'll buy you a beer.

This offer only applies to the first person to actually find me, and say the required phrase to my face. After all...I ain't made of money...bitches!

Y'know, THIS year we need Forum nametags for everyone who wants one...only instead of saying "Hello, my name is ______" they would say "FUCK YOU, my name is ________".

There would be a lot of free booze being traded around.....

So, I appologize for my post, that inspired the twisted mind of Pellaz to hatch such a hideous idea, and am duly ashamed. Though, I must point out that I am only an accessory to this, an innocent by-stander if you will, he...Pellaz, is the real criminal here and should be punished, forthwith.