new metallica... promising ?


The Godfather
Apr 7, 2007
alot of hype over the new disc which has yet again been pushed back for touring reasons and such.. what do you think

they got something this time? or smoke n mirrors again
No opinion here. If it's good, great. If it's not, I won't be surprised.
Yep, that's the stance I'm taking...

I just finished the excellent "Metal Generation" by Darryl Keck, and have been in a nostalgic mood lately, spinning many of the old classics and underground gems, and have been also looking through some of my old mags that have survived.

Damn, 24 years ago?
I read an actual review of St. Anger, before it was released, by someone who went to one of those super-secret-exclusive-journalist only pre-release thingos (I have no idea what they are called, if you can't tell), who went absolutely apeshit over it; he practically said it was mankind's single greatest acheivement.

So basically, I'm not forming an opinion on this album until it comes out, I have downloaded it illegally, and got round to listening to it at some point.
I'm skeptical on this album, yet optimistic. I know it will be better than St. Anger (and they cant get any worse than that), but on the other hand, I'm doubtful it will hold up to anything prior to Load.

Either way, I'm gonna download the album first, flip off Lars, and then decide if I'll buy it or not!
There is way more shit out there that sucks more than st anger. Who cares if its not everyones favorite? I like some of the songs, they tried something different. I'm so sick of hearing everyone bitch about them like as if theyve never done anything good in their lives. It's old news. Im excited to see what they come up with.
As a huge Metallica fan, I can't help being excited, even if I was let down with St. Anger.

I mean, it's fucking METALLLLLLICA!!!!!!!! How can you not be excited???