Orientation Problems


Apr 7, 2006
osterburg, germany

-no i´m not not drunken but sometimes i loose my orientation if i play
a bunch of 16 th notes (at a higher tempo + 170 bpm) performed as 3
notes per string run

for example:

E 13-12-10-----------------------------------------------------
B ------------13-12-10-----------------------------------------
G -----------------------13-12-10------------------------------
D -----------------------------------13-12-10-------------------
A -----------------------------------------------13-12-10-------
E ------------------------------------------------------------13--

sometimes i tend to follow the 3 NPS pattern (and play 5 blocks of 3 notes plus
the one last note on the e string) instead of the regular four quarter puls
(4 blocks of 4 notes genius) of the band
i know that doesn´t make a difference to the listener but for me as a player
it changes the accentuation and the flow...
so how do you accent these runs ?

i hope that shit is understandable (sorry for my bad english but i´m a
german sauerkrautkopf)

play it loud :headbang:
hallo, du sauerkrautkopp ;) wo isn osterburg?
but lets talk in english, otherwise only few could understand it.

well, first of all i would realy work your way up with the metronome from very slow. while doing so you should accent every fourth note with a harder pic stroke. if you start VERY Slow, let´s say about 100 bpm, you can exaggerate it to the extreme. when playing at full speed, you won´t be able to stoke THAT hard anymore, but you´ll get the feeling of a 16th note run.
i got this method mostly from the john petrucci dvd, but i think it really really helps (actually there is one exc. that has this very same problem)!

for me, i think, after doing so for a while, i have a very nice sense of dividing the beat into different groups. and playing to the metronome has always been something i liked, even when playing rhythm (playing BEHIND or BEFORE the click is very cool, to give a riff a certain feeling, sort of)

hope it helps, but maybe the others have even better advice
rock on!
thanx kohlrabihaus-

as always the hard way is the correct way;
you´re answers seem to be pretty helpful so keep it up...

and now in german: just the description where my hometown is located

osterburg liegt in sachsen anhalt 150 km nördlich von magdeburg- 30 km nördlich von stendal) hier herrscht tote hose in sachen musik- ne musikszene gibt´s hier leider nicht- da helfen die foren wirklich - vielleicht sieht man sich ja mal auf den bühnen dieser welt
Kohlrabihaus said:
hallo, du sauerkrautkopp ;) wo isn osterburg?
but lets talk in english, otherwise only few could understand it.

well, first of all i would realy work your way up with the metronome from very slow. while doing so you should accent every fourth note with a harder pic stroke. if you start VERY Slow, let´s say about 100 bpm, you can exaggerate it to the extreme. when playing at full speed, you won´t be able to stoke THAT hard anymore, but you´ll get the feeling of a 16th note run.
i got this method mostly from the john petrucci dvd, but i think it really really helps (actually there is one exc. that has this very same problem)!

for me, i think, after doing so for a while, i have a very nice sense of dividing the beat into different groups. and playing to the metronome has always been something i liked, even when playing rhythm (playing BEHIND or BEFORE the click is very cool, to give a riff a certain feeling, sort of)

hope it helps, but maybe the others have even better advice
rock on!
Exactly what I would have recommended.

Take care, Chris.