Pretty Maids

Agreed that they put on one of the best live performances ever. They completely blew my expectations out of the building.
I couldn't make either evening this weekend, and I'm sitting here drunk in my office listening to "Yellow Rain." I really wanted to see Pretty Maids. Ugh, dammit.

Can someone post a setlist?
Yeah this was awesome, with Super Saiyan Keyboardist and Hot Topic Clearance Rack Bassist and Guitarist, goofball looking singer, did not expect that at all. Still, the songs I knew/liked were spot on.
Yeah this was awesome, with Super Saiyan Keyboardist and Hot Topic Clearance Rack Bassist and Guitarist, goofball looking singer, did not expect that at all. Still, the songs I knew/liked were spot on.

Really? That's what you took away from it? Well, I guess they can't all be crappy black metal bands that only you and twelve other people know.
Yeah this was awesome, with Super Saiyan Keyboardist

lol that's Mikkel's (Ex-Mercenary) brother Morten. Was cool to see him on stage in a different atmosphere again, he brings as much oomf as a keyboardist can. Also a very nice guy.

As for the set, I was running on empty and wanted nothing more than to come back to the hotel and just relax. I reluctantly went over to catch the two songs and was going to bail, but after about 15 seconds I understood there was no way. They tapped into my inner party reserves and just brought the thunder.

To everyone who has been advocating for them for YEARS, I hope you were here to see them, and I'm sorry I almost wrote the band off because of the ridiculous fanaticism on this board, but I am so glad I dragged my sorry ass back to the venue for that.
Really? That's what you took away from it? Well, I guess they can't all be crappy black metal bands that only you and twelve other people know.

A bit touchy? Personally, I couldn't help but to think of "Snakes and Barrels" when they walked out there.

No complaint about their performance, but their look is kinda silly.
And corpse paint and blood with complete lack of front lighting is somehow how more "serious" and respectable? Don't get me wrong because I came to see Primordial and Pretty Maids this year. But to make fun of PM for their attire is silly. Especially at a power metal festival where fantasy is usually the name of the game. They are a hard rock band get over it because they played the best set for me of the fest. Primordial a nice second.
Really? That's what you took away from it? Well, I guess they can't all be crappy black metal bands that only you and twelve other people know.

Ok, so you know when you're watching the Summer Olympics, high dive, and you watch someone pull of a completely flawless seventeen and a half front flip into the water? Only thing going through your mind is gonna be AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. Watch someone do that same thing while wearing a Barney the Dinosaur costume and it's gonna be LOL. Musically they were fine and it's clear they know what they're doing but can't get over the visual part of a, you know, visual experience.
Ok, so you know when you're watching the Summer Olympics, high dive, and you watch someone pull of a completely flawless seventeen and a half front flip into the water? Only thing going through your mind is gonna be AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME. Watch someone do that same thing while wearing a Barney the Dinosaur costume and it's gonna be LOL. Musically they were fine and it's clear they know what they're doing but can't get over the visual part of a, you know, visual experience.

Do you really like Metal? 99,9% of the bands wear costumes and/or make-up. Manowar, Seventh Wonder, Dimmu Borgir, Cradle of filfth, Metallica, Eluveitie, Bon Jovi, Tyr, Kamelot, ..........................

Saw last week Tyr, Metasoll, Moonsorrow and Korpiklanni and I could stop thinking about how silly Moonsorrow were. They looked like 14 year old kids covered in fake blood. Musicwise they were very good and that's what matters.....
Well aside from the general lack of respect the band seemed to have for Glenn and the festival schedule I suppose they had a solid performance.
I like that response.

Because all professional bands wear "stage outfits"

It's a uniform for their job, and just like the working world some people take the presentation and promotion of their product more seriously.

Nothing less appealing than a bunch of guys in their everyday clothes on stage to entertain me regardless of the genre.
Well aside from the general lack of respect the band seemed to have for Glenn and the festival schedule I suppose they had a solid performance.

Judging from your signature it seems Pretty Maids were no "fools" eh? Ha ha. Plus 30 years in the making and they were getting great response. It can happen to any band honestly.

I loved seeing them keep rocking out despite being slightly over time. At least delays were for music rather than unforeseen technical difficulties.