Recorded voices?


Blind @ heart
Mar 28, 2004
I have a question:

Both on the EP, and the full-length, throughout the albums there are recorded voice parts, that really add a lot to the music. FOr example, on the EP theres the dude saying something like "The best way to see ones soul is through the back, but you might as well be going in circles". And on the full length, probably the only clear ones I could make out are the ones that say "WAKE UP X!" although there are also quite a few in the begininng and the end that I just don't understand.

So, my question is this - did you record all of these for the recordings, or did you lift them off from somewhere? Are they supposed to represent osmething in particular in the plot? And I don't suppose you happen to have lying around all of the words written down, since I can't make out most of them?

One off the ep sounds as if its from house of 1,000 corpses, but im not sure.