Reminder for those staying at the Artmore...

The room rate on my reservation was also without taxes, but the total they said would be charged included the taxes (I just went back and checked again to be sure). So this extra charge has nothing to do with taxes. Honestly, if there had been some mention of that beforehand, it wouldn't be an issue for me (aside from the fact that their rates are absurd already).

It’s bullshit is what it is.
I am truly sorry to those experiencing issues with the Artmore hotel. I can understand the frustration and I do agree with all the sentiments expressed here and elsewhere with the hotel issues.

That said, please remember that I don't have a damn thing to do with them other than securing the hotel for attendees only and making sure Gold Badges have first crack at them. I run a festival, nothing more.

Jen- your public Facebook post was absolutely uncalled for in regards to me. You seriously want me to retire the fest or move because of something I have nothing to do with? This kind of support is why I am indeed ready to pull the plug.

I strongly suggest staying elsewhere if the headache is simply not worth what you are getting there. There are numerous other hotels that would welcome your business. I know of three with openings now.

I am truly sorry to those experiencing issues with the Artmore hotel. I can understand the frustration and I do agree with all the sentiments expressed here and elsewhere with the hotel issues.

That said, please remember that I don't have a damn thing to do with them other than securing the hotel for attendees only and making sure Gold Badges have first crack at them. I run a festival, nothing more.

Jen- your public Facebook post was absolutely uncalled for in regards to me. You seriously want me to retire the fest or move because of something I have nothing to do with? This kind of support is why I am indeed ready to pull the plug.

I strongly suggest staying elsewhere if the headache is simply not worth what you are getting there. There are numerous other hotels that would welcome your business. I know of three with openings now.


I'll be looking into the other options if I can't get this resolved to my satisfaction. Will have to wait until Monday, when I can talk to the Artmore manager. It just seems to me that they have a history of questionable decisions/practices...every year there are stories of botched reservations/overbooking/whatever, and that "private party" they booked in the courtyard during PP last year seemed like a Really Bad Idea. And the non-disclosure of the up-front "incidentals" charge just seems very shady. I like the convenience of being so close to the venue (and the MARTA) but I don't like to see myself and others getting taken advantage of for said convenience. I know you have nothing to do with how they run their business, but I would think that the idea of losing the revenue that PP-goers bring would encourage them to rethink some of their policies. *shrug*
Glenn, my post was not public; it was set to friends only.

The challenge with the location is for those of us who fly in and want to stay somewhere within walking distance, we are extremely limited in our options. The hotels know this, and the rates keep going up while the amenities keep going down. Naturally, some of that is due to inflation, but I expect that’s not the only reason. It’s a real sacrifice for some us just to afford the cost of returning year after year, let alone have anything to spend on drinks or merch when we get there. For as much as I spend each year just to attend (and this is the only trip I make all year—takes all my savings just to attend this one concert), I would like to have better options.

As for our suite, I am staying with a group, and the reservation is on my card. So, until the decision makers at the Artmore get back to me with an answer, I am stuck. I cannot just cancel the reservation without taking a huge financial hit I can’t afford and impacting my roommates as well as myself. I want the Artmore to honor the reservation and keep us in our suite, and there are numerous reasons for that—mostly practical and economic ones. Whether or not that will happen remains to be seen. I’ve been waiting since 4:30p for an answer and called and emailed multiple times. Their last word was a head manager needs to override the reservation since they are sold out and double booked. So, I’m waiting at this point.
The challenge with the location is for those of us who fly in and want to stay somewhere within walking distance, we are extremely limited in our options. The hotels know this, and the rates keep going up while the amenities keep going down. Naturally, some of that is due to inflation, but I expect that’s not the only reason. It’s a real sacrifice for some us just to afford the cost of returning year after year, let alone have anything to spend on drinks or merch when we get there. For as much as I spend each year just to attend (and this is the only trip I make all year—takes all my savings just to attend this one concert), I would like to have better options.

Well, of course this isn't the only reason. It's simple supply and demand. People want to be as close as possible to the festival grounds, and those spots are premium spaces. The business owners get to charge a premium for those premium spaces, because people will pay them, and if you don't want to pay them someone else will. Don't like it? Don't stay there again.

I don't understand why you're continuously bitching about the price and that it affects you being able to spend money at the venue like you're implying they're somehow tied together. Do you not understand that one does not influence the other in that direction? Do you think a hotel would charge the same price on a wednesday in august in Phoenix with nothing going on as it would for a Saturday night when the large, well attended and well known Comicon is in town? Do you think that would be practical from a business standpoint? Of COURSE the Artmore and the RI and probably even whatever the Super 8 is now is going to charge a premium for their rooms when several people are expected to be coming into town. That's just smart business.

If you want better options, think about staying farther away or take advantage of any of the 10 million posts and ideas Jen has taken her time to gather, create, and post on nearly every social media forum known to man and machine. You knew the price, you booked the hotel, if it's not in your budget it's your own damn fault for poor planning. The options are there and they're well publicized, and it looks like you're just complaining because you're not getting what you want.

Unforseen charges like this "incidental" shit and the constant flubbing of reservations suck, but you'd think people would either come to know what to expect or just stop patronizing the hotel. Seriously guys this silly shit happens every year with this hotel and every year the same group is crying foul and rushing to make new reservations. 10 years later, you should probably shut up or move to a different place. Cancel your reservation, dispute the charge, and find somewhere else to stay this year and next, and however long this festival's promoter determines it's still worth it to put on a show.

Or you could just keep bitching and save yourself all that money every year because there won't be a show to go to.


I run a festival, not a travel booking agency.

I appreciate the support over the years. I really do. I agree with you about the hotel sentiments and hope you get things worked out. I am not defending them as this does need to be addressed immediately.

That said, you want me to pull up roots and restart somewhere else because of a hotel that I have no control over? Do you realize what is involved with making this fest work? Once again, the only thing I have ever done is block the hotel and give you first crack at booking. This is the only thing I take issue with as you appear to believe I should be doing more.

There are 4 hotels that are only 10 more minutes walk that do have openings. There are others a single Marta stop away. Perhaps a $10 cab ride at the end of the night would also be of benefit considering the cheaper rate you will get elsewhere.
If you want better options, think about staying farther away or take advantage of any of the 10 million posts and ideas Jen has taken her time to gather, create, and post on nearly every social media forum known to man and machine. You knew the price, you booked the hotel, if it's not in your budget it's your own damn fault for poor planning. The options are there and they're well publicized, and it looks like you're just complaining because you're not getting what you want.

Unforseen charges like this "incidental" shit and the constant flubbing of reservations suck, but you'd think people would either come to know what to expect or just stop patronizing the hotel. Seriously guys this silly shit happens every year with this hotel and every year the same group is crying foul and rushing to make new reservations. 10 years later, you should probably shut up or move to a different place. Cancel your reservation, dispute the charge, and find somewhere else to stay this year and next, and however long this festival's promoter determines it's still worth it to put on a show.

To be fair, this is the first time anything of the sort has happened to me. So I'm not a Constant Complainer (or at least I try not to be, lol). If this can get resolved and perhaps not repeated next year, then all will be well.

Also, you're right - Jen has gone far above and beyond the call of duty with all the helpful tips and links and suggestions for how to do PP on a shoestring. She rocks!! :headbang:
My first year, I lucked into a last minute room at the Residence Inn. I had no idea how rare that is, so the following year, I had to get a room in a hotel that was not within walking distance. It was was a very nice room, but I had started to get to know attendees, so I opted for the Artmore last year. It has its issues, but as long as it is home base for the festival, I am there.
Dear whoever-you-are blaming Glenn/ProgPower for a problem that's mostly a third party's fault (and a bit yours too for poor planning):

You suck.
Jen does rock, she has done all the research for us. She's got tons of accommodation options on Facebook, even condos or apartments... Not to mention everything else you could need from Marta schedules, maps, all the best places to eat and where to find the booze \m/ Lay off the Harvester, he's got enough to do.
Love y'all!
The hotel situation during the fest is easily solved. Stay somewhere CHEAP so you got more money for the vendor room. Think about it. Do we go to the fest to stay at a hotel? No, we spend most of our time at the venue. So, why spend all of your money on a convenient hotel? It's ain't worth the headache. Plus I know of a few fests where the fans are willing to sleep in tents to be close to the music. They make us look soft to be honest. I love all of you but suck it up and show your Metal Balls! It's all about the music not a stupid hotel. :) PEACE!!!
I really can't hold back anymore... I tried to limit myself on my last post, but had to get this out.

For the record, I have friends who booked a hotel room a few days ago at a hotel that's 10 min away from the venue (walking distance). If 10 minutes away is too far, or if you can't handle a 10 min walk, then I dont't see how you could honestly handle 10 hours of shows and socializing three days in a row. Perhaps it's time to reconsider whether or not you should be there at all.

With the many instances of the topic "this festival isnt going to last forever" coming up in the last few years, it seems inevitable that we'll reach the end sooner than later. Yet people bitch and whine because they're "oh-so-entitled to have it their way, as convenient as possible. Here's what people need to do: cut the crap, find a way to make it work and shut the fuck up about the little things.
To be fair, this is the first time anything of the sort has happened to me. So I'm not a Constant Complainer (or at least I try not to be, lol). If this can get resolved and perhaps not repeated next year, then all will be well.

Also, you're right - Jen has gone far above and beyond the call of duty with all the helpful tips and links and suggestions for how to do PP on a shoestring. She rocks!! :headbang:

This wasn't really directed at you, but a small, yet loud subset of people who only seem to log in and post to complain about something. I do empathize with your situation, but at least I know you're blaming the right people and also at least trying to solve it the right way.
I would think that the idea of losing the revenue that PP-goers bring would encourage them to rethink some of their policies. *shrug*

This. 100x this.

The up-front "incidentals" fee is something I've never heard of before, either. I've heard of hotels making sure there's space on your card just in case, but actually charging you for shit you haven't used and might (in my case, very likely will) not use at all is ridiculous.

Unfortunately, it sounds like they know they're the preferred hotel and will sell a boatload of rooms regardless, so, you know... fuck us. :/

Just my $.02.

STILL no charge on my card for the room.....I don't know whether to be glad or annoyed.

I'm not angry about the month-in-advance pre-charging for the room; after all, we were warned about it in advance. I AM angry about this charge for incidentals, since at no time were we informed about it...and this is a final charge to the card, not just a pre-authorization like all the rest of the hotels on the planet do as a matter of routine.

Glenn, please Have Words with the hotel. If nothing else, you could politely inform them that if they keep pulling shit like this, you'd be happy to "unrecommend" the hotel to festival attendees.

As for anyone else who gets taken for a surprise $100 charge, sites like Yelp and the Better Business Bureau may be worth some of your vitriol.