Rob Doherty formerly of Into Eternity


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
It appears that Rob has passed away. There are multiple posts to that effect on his Facebook page and former band mate, Adam Sagan. I'm sorry I have no other information, but he was a really sweet guy and this is just terrible news. :cry: I hope someone would post confirmation/more info.

How do I even begin this...

Yes, that is true. Our dear friend Rob Doherty, former Into Eternity guitarist (and ProgPower USA alumni) and guitarist for Final Darkness passed away last night. Adam called me earlier today to give me the news, and as anyone who knows me could come to expect, I was shocked and extremely sad to hear the news. I'm not going to go in and give any more details about the circumstance of his death as I don't feel it's my place to discuss them.

Rob was a good friend... a sensational musician with a big, big heart. I met him back at ProgPower V and became friends with the band (and especially him, Adam and Troy) as time went on. Anyone who has had a previous experience with Rob knows how much of a sweet person he could be. I am truly devastated to hear that.

I specifically remember giving Rob a Brazil soccer jersey during the Krisiun tour. Nothing but a simple gift to a friend. He actually wore it onstage that night, and as silly as it may be, it's something I will never forget.

I hadn't posted anything because I wasn't too sure if the close friends wanted the news to be made public yet, but since Ann Marie went ahead and did it, I can confirm that it's a very sad piece of true news. ..

I know Rob had been very excited about his musical endeavors, and I also know that the relationship with Into Eternity was in a very good place lately. He joined the band for a couple songs in Regina recently. Adam was there too. The vibe couldn't have been better, I hear.

Rob's closest friends are going to soon be setting up something online to gather some funds to give him a proper burial/services. I urge anyone who can help to do so when the time is right.

Rest in peace my dear friend. You are going to be missed.
How do I even begin this...

I specifically remember giving Rob a Brazil soccer jersey during the Krisiun tour. Nothing but a simple gift to a friend. He actually wore it onstage that night, and as silly as it may be, it's something I will never forget.

I hadn't posted anything because I wasn't too sure if the close friends wanted the news to be made public yet, but since Ann Marie went ahead and did it, I can confirm that it's a very sad piece of true news. ..
Since it was on FB, I figured it was public news now. I felt the same way when he wore the Beyond Ear Candy shirt onstage. Really going to miss that guy.
oh man I am totally bummed, that is way to young. Rob was an awesome guy, very cool brother and a great gutarist. RIP Rob, you will be missed!
