Saxon News Flash !


Room of Angel
Jan 13, 2005
Just copied this from the site, mentions the air guitar event at the bottom!
cool stuff!

Hi Everybody,
After a hectic week I would like to keep you posted on the latest activities of the band.
It might be too much information but I´ll try to keep it short.
Biff and Charlie finished the mix of the new album The Inner Sanctum.
I must say Mr. Bauerfeind and Mr. Byford did an amazing job.
You will hear the result at the beginning of March.
Rest of the band and management tried to make it to London
The Biggest storm for ages nearly stopped us but as you all know we are always flying on the edge
The most difficult job had been done by Nibbs.
Nearly stranded in the Western part, on several airports, of Germany
Unbelievable this boy, arriving in time in London for the big press album launch party on Friday. All the English and European Rockpress joined us.
Fantastic location in London, used to be a court house with the original prison cells where we put Biff and the band to do the interviews ( Biff said he felt quit at home in there)
The Court house has a cinema in the building, this is where we played the album to the press and bits and pieces of the bonus DVD which features the Night out with the Boys Tour. I had the impression they all loved it.
Harvey Goldsmith and his team supported us on the presentation of the new single.
A big Thank You to Olly and Ute of SPV.
There was so much interest that the band was doing endless interviews.
Especially Britta, my ICS PR Girl couldn´t believe how Biff got through this interview marathon finishing at midnight.
Result: our Time Schedule was totally fucked up!!
We arrived at 4:30 a.m. in Sheffield on Saturday.
8:00 o clock I had to be at BBC Sheffield with Biff again then rush back to the hotel 8:45 interview with Radio Hallam, and 9:15 interview with Eamon Holmes on 5Live. We were promoting the big Sheffield gig on 26th of January, of cause the new single ( see download list for details ) and our Guinness World Record with Sheffield Wednesday and Amanda Griffith.
This did bring some decent guitar music on radio. In the two days of promotion the single was played on daytime radio including 5Live, Mojo, Xfm and tons more, maybe two million heard the single and don´t forget this is one of the big reasons we are doing this to bring Heavy Metal on mainstream radio again.
At 3:45 half time Amanda, Sheffield Wednesday Football Club, Saxon, Sheffield Wednesday fans and Sunderland fans broke the world record for the biggest air guitar esemble. The band were having some fun with it and taking it all not too serious, which is good. Official infos will follow from the Guinness world record people. A big Thank you to all the fans joining us in shitty weather and bad half time result.
The band was also supporting the Hallam Kids charity. We gave Sheffield Wednesday the original master of the single which is unique to put in their fund raising auction and signed lots of shirts and programs also.
Again a big Thank You
Chris Careess and Steve Chu from Sheffield Wednesday Football Club
Marc Borkowski and his team, especially Gerry Cottle Jnr. And Paul McEntee
Harvey Goldsmith and his team
Scott Christie from Guinness World Records
And the Air Guitar Expert Amanda Griffith

News on the DVD release of to Hallam back again is because we have been filming a lot of The Inner Sanctum stuff ourselves plus the upcoming Sheffield show. We are going to add some of this to the DVD, SPV decided to release it in July. Keep the faith,

Some additional posts from elsewhere:

"Lead Balloon!!!
Absolutely, completely, totally, unmistakably, the single worst half-time entertainment ever!!!
What were all involved thinking?!!! "

"Haha! It was always doomed to fail though wasn't it! What a f****** stupid idea... "

"I read about it before the game, sounded ridiculous, said something about "renowned" group... I've never heard of them, not that I would have."

"Never heard of Saxon? you'll be young then." - I thought that was a good 'un myself - matrattz

"As soon as they started, one of the blokes just took his guitar off his shoulder and walked around sulking til they finished due to the lack of interest in the crowd, mardy old b******..."

"Yeah, the mardy one spat his dummy out. Fool"

"Wheels Of Steel by Saxon is a staple at Sheffield's myriad classic rock bars, and rightly so."

"Oh and the sulky one would be Biff the vocalist , never been the brightest" - WTF?
"Lead Balloon!!!
Absolutely, completely, totally, unmistakably, the single worst half-time entertainment ever!!!
What were all involved thinking?!!! "

"Haha! It was always doomed to fail though wasn't it! What a f****** stupid idea... "

"I read about it before the game, sounded ridiculous, said something about "renowned" group... I've never heard of them, not that I would have."

"Never heard of Saxon? you'll be young then." - I thought that was a good 'un myself - matrattz

"As soon as they started, one of the blokes just took his guitar off his shoulder and walked around sulking til they finished due to the lack of interest in the crowd, mardy old b******..."

"Yeah, the mardy one spat his dummy out. Fool"

"Wheels Of Steel by Saxon is a staple at Sheffield's myriad classic rock bars, and rightly so."

"Oh and the sulky one would be Biff the vocalist , never been the brightest"

Kill 'em all!
I hear what you are saying - but not all football fans are "thugs"!

depends where you are, down south its normally tame and boring middle class families that would probably go along with such things like 'air guitar'.
like when reading fc score the fans do this ridiculous dance, its horrible.

up north the fans are probably more working class and rougher.
depends where you are, down south its normally tame and boring middle class families that would probably go along with such things like 'air guitar'.
like when reading fc score the fans do this ridiculous dance, its horrible.

up north the fans are probably more working class and rougher.

Excuse me?? Forgive me for pointing out that you have probably not got enough life experience to make such outrageous comments! If we are making sweeping generalisations, I would say that "tame and boring middle-class families" would NOT go along with air guitar - because doing air guitar means letting yourself go a bit, and not being afraid to look a bit silly. If I was a "tame and boring middle class" person, I would not do it. I have, however, said on the other thread that I WOULD do it. I take it that meets with your disapproval then?? I'm gutted. As for fans "up North" being "more working class and rougher"...well, I am a Northerner myself, so I take GREAT exception to that comment. I will assume your ignorance comes from never having travelled up North, or knowing any Northern people. By the way, there is nothing wrong with being "working class", and it does not automatically make a person "rough". I don't make idiotic remarks about your people - do me a favour and don't do it about my people. :Shedevil:
The News flash thing is good... so the management has drawn the lessons? I hope.. The DVD in July...well another time waiting..The album is the most important thing to me now..
As a "Northerner" I didn't mind working down south. Couldn't wait to get back oop north on a Friday and drink some proper beer!!!

Oh, and anyone believing that its rougher up here hasn't had the misfortune to work in some of the delightful areas in London that I have - Where the pubs stink of piss and there are iron marks burnt into the carpet of the B&B the company have forced you to stay in.....

But Hyde...!!!! No, its not too bad. Not been out there at night since that bloke got shot outside the beer engine
Excuse me?? Forgive me for pointing out that you have probably not got enough life experience to make such outrageous comments! If we are making sweeping generalisations, I would say that "tame and boring middle-class families" would NOT go along with air guitar - because doing air guitar means letting yourself go a bit, and not being afraid to look a bit silly. If I was a "tame and boring middle class" person, I would not do it. I have, however, said on the other thread that I WOULD do it. I take it that meets with your disapproval then?? I'm gutted. As for fans "up North" being "more working class and rougher"...well, I am a Northerner myself, so I take GREAT exception to that comment. I will assume your ignorance comes from never having travelled up North, or knowing any Northern people. By the way, there is nothing wrong with being "working class", and it does not automatically make a person "rough". I don't make idiotic remarks about your people - do me a favour and don't do it about my people.

sorry about that, i meant didnt want any offence, but you should really see the football crowds down south, i mean readings fans get up and do some totally embarassing dance to this some pop song thats played through the PA.

i was only trying to say that down here in boring little towns like Reading football fans have less passion and character,are more likely to do embarrasing stuff, and admitedly playing air guitar is one of those things. My only implication was that farther north, where everyone says people are tougher and manlier (i could be wrong i wouldnt know), theyd be less likely to play along with something silly.

on another note, isnt it easier to get 30,000 to play air guitar when your on stage at wacken, than when your at a rainy football stadium and most fans are pissed off?
But Hyde...!!!! No, its not too bad. Not been out there at night since that bloke got shot outside the beer engine

Don't you bloody start as well! :lol: I don't actually live in Hyde, but it's the nearest "main" town (if you could call it that! lol). I don't think you can slate Hyde for one incident anyway - it's not like the shooting was premeditated. You make it sound like a really bad place, when it isn't. The pub was called The Clarendon - I don't believe Hyde has ever had a pub called The Beer Engine - and I have lived locally for most of my life! I have also lived in Stockport....