Sinergy are fuckin crap.W


Oct 15, 2001
They are, without doubt, the most overrated band ever.

I don't understand it, I'd rather listen to Hammerfall than this.

FANTASTIC GALACTIC DOMINION, whats the deal with that, it's not even worthy of my urine. It's completely incoherent. The songs not even about anything fantastic or galactic, and theres no dominions. Only shitness.

The bitch is back????

Unfortunately she is yes, I wish she didn't bother. It would have made my life a lot better. She should have stayed in her Fantastic Galactic dominion, with her loyal fans, who are wankers and twats. They should all die, Like fly a space ship into the sun which apparently shines out of Alexi laihos arsehole. He's a good guitar player, but he's a midget, so a space ship would obliterate him and sinergys fans.

Sinergy fans are stupid, I am shocked, apalled and dismayed this band is so popular, it makes me angry to think all these people listening to this tripe, when then can be listening to good bands like Destroyer 666 and The crown. You all suck, I hope something bad happens to sinergy fans, like deafness caused by that chicks annoying voice. OOOOOOO but she's married to Alexi, who cares, people who marry guitar playing midgets are stupider then Sinergy's fans.

And before someone comes out and says shit like "Oh shutup Koichi, I'm sick of your bullshit" Don't, cos I'll kick your fuckin arse. You've been warned, agree with me or die.
The first album isnt very good, which is where that Fantastc Galactic thingo is from :lol:

The other two albums kick ass :headbang:

They arent married anymore by the way :)
Angry, angry young man.

There is one great song on the first album, I cant remember the name of it though, its the ballady one, something about blood I think.
Always a chance when buying from the good folks at KFC, im not sure that Nuclear Blast sells them though.
Never disparage Dio! :mad: :) "Youre a dancer, but youre dancing on air, just a matter of time till you fall!"

Razor Blade Salvation was the song I was thinking of, it kicks ass! :headbang:
I think Dio's a brilliant lyric writer :) I don't really care what the songs are about, but the way he writes his lyrics is really poetic and sounds great.