

You'll Be in Hell With ME
Nov 23, 2002
Exclusive: City Of Fullerton Demands That SLAYER Bus Benches Be Removed - Aug. 1, 2006

The city of Fullerton, California has demanded that the SLAYER artwork be removed immediately from the 17 SLAYER bus benches scattered throughout the city. The bus benches, which "went up" over this past weekend, are promoting SLAYER's new album, "Christ Illusion". This past Monday (July 31), the city officials called the company that the band's record label (American) hired to put the ads in place, demanding that they remove the SLAYER ad/artwork, reportedly because they did not like the name of the band, which they feel refers to a murderer. They are also apparently offended by the antichrist and skull logo on the bench artwork.
:lol: Slayer knew there would be a big uproar over these benches before they even hit the streets, that's why they put them there. These idiots that are demanding that they be removed are playing right along with Slayer's plan and are too stupid to even realize it. :headbang:
KY_Fried442 said:
:lol: Slayer knew there would be a big uproar over these benches before they even hit the streets, that's why they put them there. These idiots that are demanding that they be removed are playing right along with Slayer's plan and are too stupid to even realize it. :headbang:

Exactly!! It's called shock value marketing!
The OC is so uptight sometimes I'm surprised any one in the county can shit. And lots of cool punk bands, like D.I., are from that area. :Spin:
DarbysDad said:
The OC is so uptight sometimes I'm surprised any one in the county can shit. And lots of cool punk bands, like D.I., are from that area. :Spin:

I'm suprised you haven't stolen one for your garage wall???:kickass:
I might just do that and of course I'll get arrested because we'll knock the ice chest full of beer over while loading the bench :lol:
DarbysDad said:
The OC is so uptight sometimes I'm surprised any one in the county can shit. And lots of cool punk bands, like D.I., are from that area. :Spin:

"Punk Rock music homegrown in OC Adolescents, Doggy Style, D.I. and Social D, No Doubt, Agent Orange." :kickass:

- Kottonmouth Kings 'Play On'
pflinger said:
/\ /\ come on those are real shitty punk bands :lol: No Doubt are NOT FUCKING PUNK:err:

1. That was a quote, not from me.
2. Their first 2 albums were ska-punk.

Do you're fucking research before you open your fuckin trap.
didn't they break up like 2 years ago ? you guys will argue about anything :lol:
is comeback kid punk ? i'm going to see them on the 30th.
pflinger said:
REAL PUNK is dead and has been dead for a long time. It is all about clean guitars and dumb poppy lyrics now

If I hear one more MTV troll pop-rock band call themselves punk I am gonna strangle someone.