State of Euphoria Reissue


Active Member
May 13, 2007
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this previously on the board, but apparently the band is putting out a two disc reissue of State of Euphoria. Article link

I'm probably going to pick this up since I never bought the album in the first place when it was first released. A friend made me a dubbed copy (on cassette) and I never got around to upgrading to an official release back then.

So I figure now would be a great time to do so.
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this previously on the board, but apparently the band is putting out a two disc reissue of State of Euphoria. Article link

I'm probably going to pick this up since I never bought the album in the first place when it was first released. A friend made me a dubbed copy (on cassette) and I never got around to upgrading to an official release back then.

So I figure now would be a great time to do so.
So funny, my first copy was a dubbed cassette copy my friend made for me as well...did yours have Finale cut off at the beginning too? On mine the tape ran out and I only had the very beginning, it wasn't until a few years later I bought the actual cassette and heard the whole song for the first time lol!
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To be honest, I can't remember. It's been a long time since I've listened to that dubbed copy.
I’m on a SOE listening trip right now. I’ll be buying on eBay..... doubt it’ll hit the JB Hifi shelves here. The STD deluxe didn’t.
I will be definitely be picking this up! I do own the original CD,which oddly enough was one of first cd’s if not THE first cd I purchased 30 years ago so it has sentimental value to me.Plus I really do like most of the album.So just like the days of ol’,I’ll be making a road trip for it!:headbang::kickass:
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Fuckers @ Newbury’s comics didn’t have it,and Amazon lists it as being released on the 19th!
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Just got an email from Amazon re my order


We're still trying to obtain the following item you ordered on 28/09/2018


We're awaiting a revised estimate from our supplier, and will email you as soon as we receive this information.
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Got the whole thing on Deezer. The disc two is kind of funny, hearing them rehearse all the tracks and riffs. Sometimes they play them really crappy, with Charlie falling out of rythm and shit. That being said, after hearing the demos I have the feeling that SOE would have been better off had they made it an instrumental album :tickled:;)
By the way you can hear it really clearly that they wrote the whole thing as a three-piece. Scott, Frankie and Charlie. I think Danny only laid down the solos and Joey only showed up in the vocal booth when he was given his lyric sheet.
Does anyone have a copy of the full interview that is played in snippets on some of the demo tracks??

I had it on my very first original cassette copy of SOE and would love to hear it in full again. It was pretty funny.
I have the tape at my parents place
I could probably pirate it onto a black cassette lol
Does anyone have a copy of the full interview that is played in snippets on some of the demo tracks??

I had it on my very first original cassette copy of SOE and would love to hear it in full again. It was pretty funny.[/Q