stop hating symphonic metal, makes me so angry

Mar 26, 2012
You guys don't need to be so rude when it comes to symphonic metal, I think its awesome. Just because its more melodic with elements of classical.

For a long time their has been a stereotypical reaction to people who say they like metal, "do you like slayer" well I have the t-shirt, but my point is their are so many genres of metal.

I personally think people are afraid to say they like symphonic, power metal etc because its preserved as not being cool or not very aggressive.

well in regards to the user "gundamterran" who said "Epica's shit anyways, who cares?"

Epica are awesome and hes afraid to like them for being perceived as not death metal enough. well I like death metal too but really love symphonic metal and female metal bands.

Simone Simons is such an awesome singer, her voice is beautiful and know one can take that away..
Haha. I wanted to post in the other thread but he gave me the permission via PM which kinda ruined the whole joke.
well obviously its not death metal, I was just saying nothing wrong with something a little bit more relaxing. Epica and Delain are awesome, going to see Delain in a few months for new album
this is my first day on this forum, I haven't understood the jokes yet

Well it wasn't really a joke, I just wanted to be very, very rude to you after getting your permission to post. I don't know, I just do that sometimes. Fun times.

EDIT: Also, I kinda think it's your last day too, sorry about that.

EDIT2: Actually, maybe not. Dunno.
you can be as rude as you want, but you don't have to enter a thread and dismiss a band or a entire genera, that's exactly what that guy did with his short comment.

I relies a forum is for open discussion positive and negative but their you go.... Its hard enough explaining to people in the real world about certain genres of metal, I absolutely love symphonic metal, specially because of the singers and the classic elements. anyway I don't need to justify my self, my website does that for me...
you can be as rude as you want, but you don't have to enter a thread and dismiss a band or a entire genera, that's exactly what that guy did with his short comment.

I relies a forum is for open discussion positive and negative but their you go.... Its hard enough explaining to people in the real world about certain genres of metal, I absolutely love symphonic metal, specially because of the singers and the classic elements. anyway I don't need to justify my self, my website does that for me...

your more than welcome to leave a rude comment in my forum

No, I lost interest, but thanks.
You guys don't need to be so rude when it comes to symphonic metal, I think its awesome. Just because its more melodic with elements of classical.

You are on an online forum. People won't agree with you on things. Deal with it.

For a long time their has been a stereotypical reaction to people who say they like metal, "do you like slayer" well I have the t-shirt, but my point is their are so many genres of metal.

Well no shit, but who honestly cares anyone about the stereotypical "metalhead?" The people who holds this stereotype to be true aren't worthy of discussion. I just post the lyrics to "Dethrone the Son of God."

I personally think people are afraid to say they like symphonic, power metal etc because its preserved as not being cool or not very aggressive.

This is not true. I just like my power metal/symphonic metal to not suck and be lame. Listen to Virgin Steele.
well in regards to the user "gundamterran" who said "Epica's shit anyways, who cares?"

Epica are awesome and hes afraid to like them for being perceived as not death metal enough. well I like death metal too but really love symphonic metal and female metal bands.

You like symphonic power metal, he likes brutal/slam death metal. Both are equally gay and I happen to like both. cant we all just admit we're fags?