Strange paranormal things have been happening to my mum


Celestial Recordings
May 17, 2010
North Wales, UK
My mum isn't really a spiritual/paranormal person, she doesn't dismiss it but she doesn't exactly believe in it all if that makes sense?

Anyway, my mum and dad sleep in separate rooms right now, they have been for about 3 months. My dad snores like a twat and we just had the spare room done up, so hes got use to sleeping in there. Both pretty happy as my mum gets more space and doesn't get disturbed etc

One night she was in bed and she felt someone sit down on the bed next to her, she didn't think anything of it as she thought it might be my dad, she ignored it and went to sleep. Next night, she felt someone sit down in the same place but this time she moved her legs to the space where she thought they sat down and nothing was there, so she sat up and turned the light, nothing there, fuck it, went back to sleep.

A week later she felt someone smack her arse twice, pretty hard, like quite aggressively, next thing someone got into bed with her. She ignored it as she obviously thought it was my dad.

Yesterday, she went to church (she's started going again quite regularly. She stopped as nobody else in my house goes) she put her phone on silent, didn't turn it off. She's pretty anal with her phone and never turns it off like ever. Anyway, she got home from church and thought "shit, phone is still on silent, better put it back to normal" but when she went to get it out, she slid it up and it was off, it started to turn its self on but it just went to a completely grey, faded looking screen with the word "Sorry" in BIG, black, bold writing at the top of the screen. Nothing else. No battery symbol, no signal symbol etc, nothing, just Sorry at the top of the screen. She pressed "up" as thats her short cuts to her texts and jsut automatically did it and nothing was there, went back to the home screen and her phone is normal.

She only told me and my brother yesterday, at first I thought it could be some gay halloween joke, but shes really not like that. We dont celebrate halloween or do anything for it. Never have, never been arsed.

She asked my dad about it all, if he had been in AT ALL in the last few weeks and he said he hadn't, not once. Me and my brother (who is an IT technician so hes pretty good with all kinds of technology) had a look through her phone to see if there was any way of programming Sorry into it , if it was a service message, if anyone else had the problem, but nothing.

THIS is the bit that really got me.

She told me personally last night, she hasn't told anybody else, but when someone got into bed with her, they whispered "I love you" in her ear.

She's not too worried but its freaked me out pretty bad. Any spiritual guys out there wanna chime in?
She's 56 (I think)

She had a feeling it could have been one of her ex boyfriends. She said she wondered if one of them in particular has died recently. She's ringing her friend today to see if they know anything about one of them.

She left him for my dad and apparently he was the nicest guy ever, totally understanding n shit. I dunno though. Thats the only thing we can thing of if it is something paranormal. And the Sorry thing was there to apologize for scaring her maybe?
Think I'll stay out of this one. Your story implies that she is the only one who has had this experience. (no evidence) The mind is a tricky thing, I'm just saying.

I'll let the people who actually believe in this spiritual stuff chime in. I can only think of a million natural reasons.
Think I'll stay out of this one. Your story implies that she is the only one who has had this experience. (no evidence) The mind is a tricky thing, I'm just saying.

I'll let the people who actually believe in this spiritual stuff chime in. I can only think of a million natural reasons.

Fair enough man :)

I'd still like to hear the natural reasons!
Paranormal expurts here:

I understand why your mom is disturbed. The concept of the "unknown" makes everyone uncomfortable to a certain degree, and the fact that this spirit is sexually harassing your mom is pretty unnerving as well as disrespectful.
Your mom needs to claim her space. To prevent further experiences or possibly clear this negative energy, she needs to purify the space as well as the rest of the property. Burn some sage, have her recite a prayer or mantra and then confront the spirit. She needs to make it clear that this is her home. If this being is to even share this space it needs to abide by YOUR rules and respect your mom as well as the rest of the family. She needs to be firm in her tone of voice, she can not show any fear or hesitation. When she performs this ritual, she should probably have another family member present in the room, just in case something happens. For further guard, it might be best to place a spiritual object in the room (like a cross, mezuzah, Buddha, etc.), something that reflects your faith as a vessel for protection and an affirmation of your family's presence. You can also purify water, or if you are Christian, use holy water to mark the doorway as well as the rest of the room.

I would suggest maybe reading into the history of your house or your property. It might be a being from a previous time who attached itself to the building or land. Could have been someone who lived in the area, liked to frequent the area, died in the vicinity or a combination of all three. Where there any old bars or brothels in your neighborhood? It could be possible, that this being is an old patron and is attaching itself to your mom because she holds a resemblance to something from the past? Did she ever face any especially difficult times in her life like a traumatic experience such as drug use, sexual abuse or marriage problems that might have permitted an entity to attach itself to her? Just curious. Also, has your mom brought any antique or new objects into the house? Sometimes beings will put themselves in physical items like a doll or a piece of jewelry.

If the incidents continue or escalate in frequency as well as violence, contact a spiritual leader, like a priest or shaman. If the occurrences become especially violent or demeaning, I would think this might be a demonic entity, in which case you will need professional assistance.

DO NOT use any means to contact or communicate with this being (incantations, spells, Ouija boards, Tarot cards, even dowsing rods or pendulums) UNLESS it is through someone who is properly trained and knows how to counteract stronger, possibly demonic forces. Often, people using these objects do not know how to control the momentum "other worldly forces" and open a portal, allowing for more beings from other dimensions to enter a space.

This sounds like a lecherous ghost-type, I say this because the events do not seem overtly violating and the rest of the house does not seem effected. But sometimes demons or negative entities can present themselves in the form of sexually attacks (like ass slapping, or touching). It's good to cover all the bases here, just in case.
Also, it could very well be an ex-boyfriend. If this is a case, she might need to address him like: "So-and-so, I'm married and have children now so I can't be with you this way. Our relationship was in the past, but we have to move on." The ex could be looking for help into passing into the next lifetime, but might have some karma or lose ends to tie before he does so. If it is an ex and he is aware that he has "passed-on," then the incidents might resolve themselves.
Wow! Thanks a lot TesticleMilkshake (LOL at the name :p)

My mum said she didn't ever once feel uncomfy though, she didn't feel scared, disturbed, on edge or anything. She doesn't now! Its mainly me and my little brother who are a bit creeped out!

Yes my mum has had a past with both marital and other things but I don't really feel mega comfy talking about that on a forum, it's a little personal for me. The marriage thing was when she was 18 though. Married at 18, divorced after a year and a half, thats it.

And as for contacting, she left a note on the side of her bed last night saying "Who are you? Why are you sorry?" But nothing came of it.

As for the history, our houses are pretty new, on a pretty new estate. My parents knew the previous owners and nothing bad went down, no deaths, nothing left behind etc, so we know the history pretty damn well.
Also, it could very well be an ex-boyfriend. If this is a case, she might need to address him like: "So-and-so, I'm married and have children now so I can't be with you this way. Our relationship was in the past, but we have to move on." The ex could be looking for help into passing into the next lifetime, but might have some karma or lose ends to tie before he does so. If it is an ex and he is aware that he has "passed-on," then the incidents might resolve themselves.

If its the guy my mum thinks it could be she said he was the most lovely, understanding man. He loved her to pieces. He got married and had kids later in life also!

BUT we dont know if hes even died haha thats what she's doign when she gets home from work. Contacting her friend who still knows him!
Infrasound linked to paranormal experiences

+ Lucid dreaming

and Myclonic jerks

etc etc pretty much explains it all. Your brain works by interpreting things you experience/inputs and if it registers something that it can't really explain then it links it to something that it knows well and then figure that's what happened. After a while, the false input starts to dig into the memory of the event, and basically re-programme it so you distinctly remembed someone smacking your ass, when infact it was just a weird muscle twitch/bug bite/whatever. The fact that these events happened right when she was about to sleep, or maybe she had even started falling asleep, strongly suggests it was just one of the million stunts your body does to mess with you when you are about to fall asleep/are semi-conciuos.
Do you think shes also down with the sickness?

Well played sir :lol:

Infrasound linked to paranormal experiences

+ Lucid dreaming

and Myclonic jerks

etc etc pretty much explains it all. Your brain works by interpreting things you experience/inputs and if it registers something that it can't really explain then it links it to something that it knows well and then figure that's what happened. After a while, the false input starts to dig into the memory of the event, and basically re-programme it so you distinctly remembed someone smacking your ass, when infact it was just a weird muscle twitch/bug bite/whatever. The fact that these events happened right when she was about to sleep, or maybe she had even started falling asleep, strongly suggests it was just one of the million stunts your body does to mess with you when you are about to fall asleep/are semi-conciuos.

I'll have a read into this man. Were never gonna know I guess, just a bit freaky! Thats why it's called the unknown aha It's kinda exciting in a weird way

He's doing it wrong, lol

I was actually thinking more along the lines of a local paranormal crew; a lot of groups have popped up in the US and the UK over the past twenty years. If it is something demonic, they would know the best way to deal with it. The problem with a lot of demonic haunts is that they tend to be reoccurring. The activity will stop for a period, then return. In general, once negativity is allowed attachment to a person or a place, it can be extremely difficult to get rid of.

I actually don't know much about possession or demonic haunts. The signs that point to it are generally well known, but every culture or religious practice has a different way of dealing with it. The interesting piece that links each of path of thought is opening the person or space for positive energy.

I personally feel there is a much more complex set of dynamics involved with possession, definitely not all of them are spiritual. But there are many people in the field refuse to deal with demonic activity; dealing with "the bad" leaves you open for bad actions. It's kind of an "Eastern" take on circumstances: if you mess with negative energy, you receive negative in return.
Infrasound linked to paranormal experiences

+ Lucid dreaming

and Myclonic jerks

etc etc pretty much explains it all. Your brain works by interpreting things you experience/inputs and if it registers something that it can't really explain then it links it to something that it knows well and then figure that's what happened. After a while, the false input starts to dig into the memory of the event, and basically re-programme it so you distinctly remembed someone smacking your ass, when infact it was just a weird muscle twitch/bug bite/whatever. The fact that these events happened right when she was about to sleep, or maybe she had even started falling asleep, strongly suggests it was just one of the million stunts your body does to mess with you when you are about to fall asleep/are semi-conciuos.

This is always a possibility, too, and as someone who has had some freaky-ass lucid dreaming, it SUCKS. Sleep aids, like kava root, valerian root or melatonin can help with this.