
Mar 28, 2006
vacations, events, stories (good or bad), trips...simple, exotic...whats going on peeps?

Not a terribly exciting summer for me so far. But did recently spend a few days at Wells Beach in Maine. A cottage steps away from the helluva a great location. The longest running free folk festival in the U.S. takes place in Lowell Mass next weekend. Yes Lowell, and its actually a good time...diverse, good food and music etc. Possible trips to Camden Maine and Quebec...hopefully late summer? HAPPY SUMMER!
Exactly. It's really hot here, that i feel tired all day. I can't get out of the house, because i know i'm gonna die from the heat.
my summer is boring so far. All my friends are either penniless or busy. I'm not haha. So i probably will spend the whole summer either at home or jogging, or hanging out in some local coffee shops :erk:
I wanna go camping somewhere, we have AMAZING places here, too bad i don' thave a car.
Well I've been living like a regular Tom Sawyer thus far this summer. I've been fishing in four different places, last time was yesterday when me and a friend took his boat and went trolling 20km down a river, getting six pikes. I'll see if I can take some pictures next time we go.
My summer has been okay so far i guess, things just get less fun the older you get. I have a pool in my yard so i usually have people over to drink and swim which is fun. Went to the beach at Lake Michigan last week. Next week i'm going to see Soilwork and the week after that i'm taking the missus to Lake Geneva,WI which is supposed to be beautiful.
Well my summer would have been a lot more fun if I could have made it out to Europe, but that will have to wait until next summer. My winter will probably be more fun than summer this year, because I'm taking Thanksgiving week and Christmas week off from work in order to take advantage of the four company holidays that fall on those weeks.

I'm thinking for Thanksgiving I'll be doing a West Coast (i.e. California, and maybe Arizona) trip, and for Christmas I'll go somewhere in the Far East, like Hong Kong and Melbourne.
My summer has consisted of hanging out with friends and working, that's mainly it, but it's been damn enjoyable.

It has also been filled with $600 in car repairs :erk:

The upside is I'm driving down to Los Angeles Monday morning.
My main objective in Arizona would be to see the Grand Canyon, so I don't expect to be swinging too near your neck of the woods, unless you feel like schlepping out to meet me. :)

If I start in Los Angeles though, and bus out to Grand Canyon Park from there, I might be able to stop by Las Vegas and hang out with Srontgorrth if he wants (and isn't at college somewhere out of town by then).

Of course, this is all still up in the air. It might be more fun just to go up to Vancouver and spend a few days hiking the mountains out there.