Swansong... misconceptions...

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
I hear many things about this album, but I was a fan with my nose in the news during this time, and here's what I understand:

Carcass was part of the Columbia/Earache deal for Earache, but after that album, they were exclusively signed to Columbia.

Swansong was written as a major label debut.

Swansong was finished, and Columbia for some reason decided not to release it (which isn't so rare for majors to do).

Earache bought the album back from Columbia so they could release it themselves.

If that story's true, surely Swansong was not the original title of the album... so what WAS it?

And if this story WASN'T true... why the hell were we fed it in 95/96?
I refer to my previous statement. No one likes Swansong for some reason or another. I liked it. The only thing it lacked was really long song titles composed of medical terms. And I'm not comparing it to any other Carcass release, for good reason. It was different, and I liked it. :)
Glad you found something redeeming about it. I wiped my ass with the lyricbook, and used the cd to break my weed up on, and set my beer bottle on top of. Before I sold it, that is. Most of us didn't like it because it sucked. And Heartwork didn't have long medical titles either, another album I find HIGHLY OVERRATED. But at least it didn't suck tremendously like Swanshit...
Well, I'm glad you used it for some purpose. However, someone buying it after you wiped your ass with the lyricbook is ground for in depth questioning. :D

And you should really use a coaster.
Originally posted by Papa Josh
And Heartwork didn't have long medical titles either, another album I find HIGHLY OVERRATED. But at least it didn't suck tremendously like Swanshit...

heartwork is a masterpiece carcass album!

swan song is not a carcass album it sound too much different and weak !

medical titles or not!

i think HEARTWORK is a work(of heart!:lol: ) much more influenced by michael ammott style that he later developed with ARCH ENEMY!

and arch enemy rules!


p.s. infact in swansong there is no more ammott and it sucks!
can't account for the crack smokers...:p

There is no logical explanation.... they wussed out on Heartwork....

Necroticism is far more brutal, thanx to Mr. Bill Steer. Far more technical thanx to Mr. Amott. All the way down to naming the guitar solos, just more enjoyable.

Necroticism-Descanting the Insalubrious
I think they're both outstanding albums. Necroticism for the brutality and technicality, and Heartwork for the technicality, harmonics in the guitars, and production.

Heartwork in my opinion was a move towards a more sophisticated sound that got torn to shit when they did Swansong. It's almost like they went corporate rock.

If anyone has heard the Blackstar Rising album, it follows along the same path as Swansong. It's like an 80's metal/light thrash album with Jeff's vocals. Just odd.