The Heavy Metal Walking Boot


Old School Metalhead
Feb 8, 2010
Dallas, Texas
So most of y'all saw me at the show wearing a walking boot. I managed to get it signed by everyone except Divinity Compromised (Sorry guys I was in line for Myrath). Still I thought y'all would like to see the finished product.

Heavy Metal Walking Boot 1

Heavy Metal Walking Boot 2

Heavy Metal Walking Boot 3

Unfortunately, after I got back from Atlanta, my foot had swollen to about twice it's size, and on Tuesday I landed in the hospital. Yesterday I had surgery to remove some osteomyelitis (Infection of the bone) in my middle toe on that foot. So now I am sans one toe on my left foot, but I'll still have the great memories of all the bands that signed this boot. I'd be impressed if people could recognize all the signatures of the people who signed it. I sure as hell can't!


I wouldn't miss it for the world!

My Podiatrist just came by and told me what is going on. Basically they are just trying to fine tune the antibiotics to the infection I have. It seems that the bacteria is gram positive (This is a Good Thing™), so once they get everything down. I should be out of the Hospital probably Monday Morning.

I got a look at my foot for the first time since the surgery. It looks like my foot is doing the whole "Live Long and Prosper" Vulcan Hand sign. Other than that it looks okay, and it is healing nicely. Not too much blood. The best part about this recovery? I won't have to change dressings! My MD will do that for me.

I will be back to normal in no time. This is just a bump in the road.