The Official General Zod Logo Thread


New Metal Member
Sep 3, 2005
Hey d00dz, I know we all love General Zod, so lets post some of the logos we've all made for him... I know we all have hundreds stored up. Heres mine:headbang:
General Zod said:
sloppyj03... do we know each other? I'm just curious if we've met.

Nah nah,ive never even been to ProgPower im going this year tho =o.Im just a loyal fan and follower of the teachings of the one and only General Zod. ~salute~
sloppyj03 said:
Nah nah,ive never even been to ProgPower im going this year tho =o.Im just a loyal fan and follower of the teachings of the one and only General Zod. ~salute~

Can you say "stalker" boys and girls...........................:loco:
General Zod said:
LOL. I actually have a rottweiler named Oz, so I think I might still be OK.



Heh, I was thinking in terms of the HBO show, but yeah, a rott will work in this case as well...... "Get im' Oz.....Sloppy Jo BAAAAAAAAD!" hehehehehe

booB said:
amazing, tess... I still can't believe Claus hasn't hired you to do logos for any of his bands...
Yes, I know. He has actually tried. He just couldn't afford me. :D
J-Dubya 777 said:
Nobody does paint like you Tess! lol

Why, THANK YOU! Have you seen the picture on my site? It's the best!!