Theories of Origin

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I completely agree that you cannot prove Intelligent Designas an event. But to claim overwhelming evidence to justify moving evolution from theory to fact is wrong. I still have yet to be shown any "proof" of evolution that makes me even remotely question Intelligent Design.
I have no intention of changing someones mind who believes in evolution, but asserting that it is fact not theory and that I am ignorant for supporting a different theory is what I take issue with.

As V5 said, a scietnfic theory is a fact, whether you want to admit it or not. You can deny it until you are blue in the face, but it won't change anything. Evolution has been observed. It is fact.
lol. No. Caps Lock and insults don't prove a point.

Main Entry: fact
Pronunciation: \ˈfakt\
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin factum, from neuter of factus, past participle of facere
Date: 15th century
1: a thing done: as aobsolete : feat b: crime <accessory after the fact> carchaic : action
2archaic : performance , doing
3: the quality of being actual : actuality <a question of fact hinges on evidence>
4 a: something that has actual existence <space exploration is now a fact> b: an actual occurrence <prove the fact of damage>
5: a piece of information presented as having objective reality

not the same (see theory).


Evolution has been observed.
No it fucking hasn't. I read the FAQ and I liked how they danced around by making the terms so broad you can't point at anything because the response is " well of course thats how it might appear to you but of course we are working on that".
There were no facts in the FAQ, mostly just a lot of implied truthiness. Example:

Calling the theory of evolution "only a theory" is, strictly speaking, true, but the idea it tries to convey is completely wrong. The argument rests on a confusion between what "theory" means in informal usage and in a scientific context. A theory, in the scientific sense, is "a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena" [Random House American College Dictionary]. The term does not imply tentativeness or lack of certainty. Generally speaking, scientific theories differ from scientific laws only in that laws can be expressed more tersely. Being a theory implies self-consistency, agreement with observations, and usefulness. (Creationism fails to be a theory mainly because of the last point; it makes few or no specific claims about what we would expect to find, so it can't be used for anything. When it does make falsifiable predictions, they prove to be false.)

1. Admitted that it is impossible to prove. Just that the "evidence" is overwhelming where-as I look at most of the same evidence and can claim it supports intelligent design (such as similar gene structure).
2. I would love to see an example of the falsified predictions from creation. Of course none are given.

I could pull more out but won't.
don't be goddamn stupid please go read the damn thing i just posted or i'll rape you

dictionary ain't gonna help you in this argument, you are fundamentally CHOOSING TO MISUNDERSTAND evolution theory to sweep it under the rug because you're faced with RIDICULOUSLY FRIGGIN OVERWHELMING evidence in evolution's favor.
A theory, in the scientific sense, is "a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena" [Random House American College Dictionary]. The term does not imply tentativeness or lack of certainty. Generally speaking, scientific theories differ from scientific laws only in that laws can be expressed more tersely. Being a theory implies self-consistency, agreement with observations, and usefulness. (Creationism fails to be a theory mainly because of the last point; it makes few or no specific claims about what we would expect to find, so it can't be used for anything. When it does make falsifiable predictions, they prove to be false.)


also, pertaining to what achrisk mentioned before about gravity being a fact but other things not etc.:

Lack of proof isn't a weakness, either. On the contrary, claiming infallibility for one's conclusions is a sign of hubris. Nothing in the real world has ever been rigorously proved, or ever will be. Proof, in the mathematical sense, is possible only if you have the luxury of defining the universe you're operating in. In the real world, we must deal with levels of certainty based on observed evidence. The more and better evidence we have for something, the more certainty we assign to it; when there is enough evidence, we label the something a fact, even though it still isn't 100% certain.
I have a theory that life is too short to waste it arguing on the internet with morans.

^An example of when a theory, for all intents and purposes, is a fact.
I did, also linked to the transitional fossil FAQ. Still not finding anything but excuses and assumptions based on already being right.
There is no way to accurately date something past recorded history, therefore claims of dating anything definitely past 10,000 years ago falls under junk science.
Nowhere really left for this one to go but personal attacks I see.

"Well that because youre fucking gay retarded ignoring science...blah blah blah"

Now Im specifically pointing out your intolerance of an opposing view. I tolerate evolutionary theory. I just don't agree with it/ don't buy the what I consider bullshit on the origins website. Definitely not receiving similar consideration from the other side.
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