This made me LOL (Raven related)


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago

So Raven justifies a couple of clunkers in their career by saying that Priest and Saxon did as well. No problem with that and I agree.

The irony is the second half of the news report / interview covering how great it was to play with Metallica again in front of 70,000 people.

Guess one thing Raven has learned all these years is to not bite the hand that feeds!!
No kidding. I count 5, and none of those are Point Of Entry or Turbo (which I'm guessing are the 2 they're referring to).

Well, I don't even consider those Ripper albums. I used to hate Turbo but it's slightly growing on me. Still not particularly good. In fact, I wouldn't say any of the Priest albums are flat out bad all the way through, asides from the Ripper ones that make me want to shove forks into my ears.
So..... Slash and System of a Down are cool, but NOT Jugulator????

I honestly don't even know if I would like System of a Down nowadays as I probably haven't listened to them in 10 years, but certainly the new Slash is better. Btw, as for Jugulator and the other disc, I don't blame Ripper. The songwriting was just shitty and seemed like after Painkiller, they were trying to make it as heavy as possible for the sake of making it heavy.
No doubt it was trying to follow what started with Painkiller.

Sticking with that style was current and an easier departure from Halford than having Ripper do classic Priest.

I just don't think it's AS bad as people say.

What do I know? I also think X Factor is great.
Can't get much worse than Painkiller.

LOL. Lee always the one to come in to be different. Hahahaha. In all honesty though, I could see someone loving classic Priest but hating Painkiller because it is WAY heavier than almost everything else they have done.
LOL. Lee always the one to come in to be different. Hahahaha. In all honesty though, I could see someone loving classic Priest but hating Painkiller because it is WAY heavier than almost everything else they have done.

Its a good album but kinda samey. Needed more One Shot at Glory tunes.
Painkiller is one of my favorite albums. Besides the songs mentioned already, I love Leather Rebel and Hell Patrol... pretty much the whole thing from start to finish.