Thoughts on the Orange Thunder 30 pls


Mar 16, 2009
Germany - Munich
What are your thoughts on this one?
30 Watts are definetly enough for the studio, but how does it work on a stage?
Is the Orange Dual-Terror an alternative?

I am planning to buy some amp different from my peavey 6505, as i want some rock-ish, british tone and marshalls aren't my thing for some reason. Clip 2.wav

Here's a clip of the Rose of Shayrn DI's through the TH30

In general, clean channel is awesome (especially if you change the V1 ECC83 for a ECC82), it's loud enough for gigs but you'll need a good noise gate as it can get a bit hissy because you'll potentially be cranking the level on the distortion channel up to 3 o clock. (for some reason the dirty channel is MUCH quieter than the clean channel)
I wouldn't say the dual terror is an alternative really, TH30 has the FX loop and the shape control gives alot more flexibility than the tone control on the terrors. The new dark terror looks interesting though.
My friend bought one a couple months ago and he told me it is kinda dark, and a not very versatile amp. But great in what it does! In comparison, the Rockerverb is way more versatile, brighter...Well, the opposite lol
thanks guys. I liked your reamp a lot. I think I might grab one and see if it works for me. the rockerverb is out of my budget right now.
yes, that damn dark terror looks interesting, too :)