Timo Tolkki Launches "New" Band


Metal Grandma
Mar 12, 2003
New Jersey
So, here's is the latest chapter in the Stratovarius saga:

In the latest issue of Finland's Soundi magazine, STRATOVARIUS mainman Timo Tolkki reveals that he has formed a new band called REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE, which is believed to have been the working title of the now apparently aborted new STRATOVARIUS album. The group's debut CD — which will feature guest appearances by Michael Kiske (vocals; HELLOWEEN), Pasi Rantanen (vocals; THUNDERSTONE), Mirka Rantanen (drums; THUNDERSTONE), Pasi Heikkilä (bass; 45 DEGREE WOMAN) and Tobias Sammet (vocals; EDGUY) — is tentatively due this summer via Frontiers Records.

Says Tolkki:
"The [REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE album]contains more or less 'Visions'-style [STRATOVARIUS' acclaimed 1997 release] power metal. It will come out pretty soon, maybe already in June. Michael Kiske, Pasi Rantanen, Mirka Rantanen, Pasi Heikkilä and Tobias Sammet have recorded their parts. But if there are any live performances, the lineup won't be the same. I have been thinking of asking JensJohansson, [STRATOVARIUS keyboardist] and LauriPorra, [STRATOVARIUS bassist] to join me for this."

Regarding the band's name, Timo said, "On the album, there's one song with this title, and Frontiers suggested it to be the band's name too. I thought it was good idea."

When asked if he will perform any STRATOVARIUS REVOLUTION RENAISSANCE, Tolkki replied, "Well, what do you think? Of course. I can play my songs with whomever I want."

So, we have a new band named after what was suppose to be the next Stratovarius release, but is now the name of a song with the "new" band. We've got Michael Kiske singing metal again. We have guest appearances by Tobias Sammet and Thunderstone members Pasi and Mirka Rantanen. And we've got possible live performances with other Strato members, doing Strato songs as well. hmmmm...
Sorry guys this sounds just too stupid for me. Wouldn't the logical thing for someone to do is to explain the dissolution of a band before moving on like this? Sorry I have no respect for Tolkki anymore. I have a friend that has the same condition Tolkki does and hes in a manic state IMO right now. Hes doing a lot of strange things lately. How can you just announce to the world "Oh by the way I have a new band and oh its the Stratovarius record I'm doing with them and Stratovaius is done" and"Oh by the way it will be out soon"? What a loser!!!!
I don't know which is funnier, yearly Stratovarius-related drama or the whole Dr. Pepper/Guns N Roses thing that was going on in Blabbermouth this week.
Sorry guys this sounds just too stupid for me. Wouldn't the logical thing for someone to do is to explain the dissolution of a band before moving on like this? Sorry I have no respect for Tolkki anymore. I have a friend that has the same condition Tolkki does and hes in a manic state IMO right now. Hes doing a lot of strange things lately. How can you just announce to the world "Oh by the way I have a new band and oh its the Stratovarius record I'm doing with them and Stratovaius is done" and"Oh by the way it will be out soon"? What a loser!!!!
Take a harder look at the announcement. There's some slightly veiled clues there, imo.
Well we all know this won't be metal in any way since Michael Kiske won;t sing metal anymore....right??? LOL
Key words and phrases:

which will feature guest appearances

"But if there are any live performances, the lineup won't be the same. I have been thinking of asking Jens Johansson, [STRATOVARIUS keyboardist] and LauriPorra, [STRATOVARIUS bassist] to join me for this."

"I can play my songs with whomever I want."
Seems like Tolkki will do just about anything to get a little atention, but this is just stupid. But i would like to here Kiske sing a "Visions" Tolkki album if I thought he was able to write anything just half as good. Visions was the last album i bought, everything after that just sucks, and the last one is an abomination of lovecraftian dimensions. Too bad this was ones one of my favorite bands. R.I.P
Seems like Tolkki will do just about anything to get a little atention, but this is just stupid. But i would like to here Kiske sing a "Visions" Tolkki album if I thought he was able to write anything just half as good. Visions was the last album i bought, everything after that just sucks, and the last one is an abomination of lovecraftian dimensions. Too bad this was ones one of my favorite bands. R.I.P

I'll agree with you that the band, Stratovarius, is dead. Although I liked a few albums after Destiny, the self-titled, and even most of Elements sucked terribly. No matter what Tolkki does to try and resurrect his old moneymaker, I don't think it'll get through his thick skull that the it wasn't what he created, but WHO he had performing the song as a WHOLE.

Selfish bastard.