Tonight Killed!


Crazed Diet Coke Addict
Mar 12, 2003
Baltimore, MD
Got back a bit ago. Jon Oliva was amazing. Some Savatage songs, some JOP stuff, some Beatles tunes, and even a Queen song for Glenn. Zach Stevens also joined him for two songs, which kicked much ass.

The karaoke afterwards was also entertaining. The PP crowd has a bunch of talented singers in it, and Oliva and Zach also participated. We left before it was over, but we had a good time.

And I've already had some awesome drunken conversations with people I don't know. This is going to be an amazing weekend...:kickass:

sounds like good times. I'm definitely all over some karaoke next year. We'll be rolling into Atlanta tomorrow afternoon.
:kickass: I thought about all of the early arrivers last night when I was going to bed. I hate that I had to miss out on Jon and Zak being on the same stage though. :erk: I'm glad that everyone had a good time. I'm looking forward to rolling in on Friday afternoon.

The show was amazing!!! During the show I kept thinking that this was a once in a life time experience and how lucky I was to be there. Jon was his usual funny, talented and of course buzzed self.

Wonder how that kid, Ian?, fared after the show hanging with the Mountain King. :lol:
^I was wondering the same thing. For those that were not there, some guy named Ian kept yelling stuff at Jon, and eventually Oliva decided that Ian was his new best friend and they needed to party together after the show. I'm sure he had an excellent time...:heh:

And you're absolutely correct, it was a very special night and show. I'm really glad we got a chance to see it.

It was a great show. Jon completely enjoyed himself up there and I doubt he'll ever forget it. Heck I had no idea that he knew how to play guitar/keys/bass/drums (he recorded the bass & drums for some songs ... played all the instruments). Only frustrating part was the annoying people that came to the show. Specifically the ones who hanged out in back chatting during the songs.... and had some inability to lower their volume during a softer song. Oh well. They obviously came to chat, not for the music, its too bad. I had a great time anyhow.
i thought about going for the karaoke part last night, but my friend and i decided to make a trip to the liquor store and watch the new south park instead....i'll see you guys tonight, though....and i might be looking for stuff to do before as well, since my friend that i'm staying with has work today.
^I was wondering the same thing. For those that were not there, some guy named Ian kept yelling stuff at Jon, and eventually Oliva decided that Ian was his new best friend and they needed to party together after the show. I'm sure he had an excellent time...:heh: dt

Ian = Dolamite S Biffle here on the forums. And he was on Cloud 9 after the show: "Jon Oliva told me to SHUT UP!!! :lol:"

Yes, it was an incredible once-in-a-lifetime show. What amazed me was Jon starting the show off with a tune I haven't heard in probably 30 years: The Show Must Go On by Three Dog Night. And of course the Beatles tunes, the Savatage Tunes, the JOP tunes, the Queen Song... everything was amazing. And the best part was that Jon genuinely had a great time performing for us. I felt very privileged to be in the room last night.

Thanks to Glenn and his crew; and many, many thanks to Jon Oliva for sharing stories and his music with us. He is truly the Mountain King!


I was pretty bored during the first half of his set, but once the second half hit I couldn't stop watching. Everything about that was fantastic. Jon's karaoke rendition of War Pigs was amazing too.
Tell me if I understand this correctly. Last night's Oliva performance was strictly himself and an acoustic guitar, correct?

Also, what songs did Jon and Zak sing together?

Tell me if I understand this correctly. Last night's Oliva performance was strictly himself and an acoustic guitar, correct?

Also, what songs did Jon and Zak sing together?


Jon, an acoustic guitar, and a keyboard. I'm not all that familiar with a lot of Savatage material so I only remember one of the songs that Jon and Zak sang together, but it was Alone You Breathe. I'm 95% sure that the other track was from Edge of Thorns but I can't remember which song it was for the life of me.
Jon, an acoustic guitar, and a keyboard. I'm not all that familiar with a lot of Savatage material so I only remember one of the songs that Jon and Zak sang together, but it was Alone You Breathe. I'm 95% sure that the other track was from Edge of Thorns but I can't remember which song it was for the life of me.

Thanks dcowboys.

Jon, an acoustic guitar, and a keyboard.

...and self-recorded backing tracks with drums and more keyboards. Oh, and with colorful balloons decorating the stage. :)

Great show last night! A perfect way to begin the ProgPower weekend! I was struggling with an extreme lack of sleep so it was difficult for me to pay attention. Plus I could see that well so I found myself spending most of the night chatting with friends (sorry Cheiron)...

Ian was hilarious last night! He made fun of my ear-to-ear grin as we talked to Communic in the airport but after the show kept saying, "Jon Oliva told me to Shut Up! Yaahhooo!" :lol: His text message this morning indicates he had one helluva night! :loco:
i thought about going for the karaoke part last night, but my friend and i decided to make a trip to the liquor store and watch the new south park instead....i'll see you guys tonight, though....and i might be looking for stuff to do before as well, since my friend that i'm staying with has work today.

Isn't having Tourette's fun????

That was the best episode in a long, long while. =)