Tour report -rehearsals


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
For this tour there were a number of new things on the table.....not least the addition of new guitarist Bill Hudson and stand-in bassist Jon Hoare (mercury rain). Jon very kindly stepped up to plate to fill the shoes of Steve Scott who is currently still in New Zealand

We also broke with tradition and rehearsed at Planet Sound in Southampton, as opposed to Panic Studios in London where we have rehearsed for all our previous tours.

Bill and Jon both fitted in perfectly from the get go.....which was awesome in itself. However on the first days of rehearsals we got a taste of what we would be facing during the week as Andrea went down with flu symptoms and had to be sent back to bed at the hotel in Eastleigh. So Bill had the tall order of being the only guitarist in his first ever PQ rehearsal.

Luckily Andrea was fit enough to make the next two days of rehearsal and by the time we finished on November 30th, everything was sounding awesome!

We invited some friends of ours down to rehearsal on Nov 29th as their daughter Abbey was celebrating her 10th birthday. She is one of our youngest fans and was too young to attend a show herself so we played "Soulfire" (her fave song) and "Human Machine" for her and her parents Paul and Tracey.

Both Alessio and Checco were to join Andrea on the sick list as the tour went on and it eventually caught up with me by the end of the tour as well. However....the show must go on, as someone once said........
Just thought I'd post this for people to see!
