Urgent: ALL GOLD BADGE HOLDERS READ (update 6/24)


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
> Hello all,
> Hell hath no fury like a scorned hard drive.
> I lost the entire gold badge mailing list in my Outlook Address Book.
> However, you can relax in that I had a seperate file that had names,
> confirmation numbers, etc backed up.
> I have no choice but to build the list from scratch. Thus, I am sending
> out this email to last year's (PPV) mailing list in an effort to
> reconstruct about 75% of the list. I would ask that you do the following:
> 1. Email me at gbadge@progpowerusa.com
> 2. Put "Gold Badge Mailing List" in the subject line.
> 3. Update me with all of your information including name, correct email
> address for the list, confirmation number, and number of badges bought.
> The reason you are being asked to include all of the information is that I
> will not be the one to actually build the list again nor confirm things.
> I have hired someone that has no clue who you are so they need to confirm
> your name with the saved list to make sure everything matches up. Once
> again, they have no clue who you are so I told them that things HAD TO
> MATCH with the saved list.
> I would ask that everyone be patient and you will be confirmed for the new
> mailing list within 2 weeks of your reply.
> If you know of a new gold badge holder, please pass this email on to them.
> Thanks for your understanding.
> Glenn H.
As of 6/24, I have recovered 85% of the mailing list. Please continue to spread the word as it will make my life much easier as the fest gets closer. For those that have emailed, expect a confirmation in about a week.

Glenn H.