VAN CANTO rocks!

Oddly, last night while trying to fall asleep the local college station (WREK) had on a Georgia Tech a capella group. I realized how talented some of them are. Whether its their ability to simulate drums with vocals (Van Canto doesn't do this), or just to create quality rythms, and still sing leads. Its talent. I recognize it. Its talent just like learning to play the guitar is.

Oh haha I believe that was the group "Infinite Harmony" playing on the Live@WREK show. Thanks for listening! We have three a Capella groups on campus. Freshman year I attended one of the a Capella shows because my friend was a vocalist, and I was blown away by how much fun it was. They were really into the performance and did a great job of hamming it up. Van Canto probably would be just as fun live, but I could never see them becoming a favorite band or anything. It's like you said, I'd rather hear the real thing. However, it's really hard to dismiss the entertainment factor in play here!
Oddly, last night while trying to fall asleep the local college station (WREK) had on a Georgia Tech a capella group. I realized how talented some of them are. Whether its their ability to simulate drums with vocals (Van Canto doesn't do this), or just to create quality rythms, and still sing leads. Its talent. I recognize it. Its talent just like learning to play the guitar is.

However, I also realized that I had no real interest in it. Just like I have no real interest in a number of types of performance art that take a lot of talent to pull off.

The reason I don't care for this style of a capella, is because I prefer the guitar over somebody imitating the guitar. I prefer the real band performing the song, over the people acting like they are a band playing that song. Even with Van Canto's original songs, I'd prefer them done with guitars, basses, and keyboards, over people showing how they can imitate those instruments, and mix their different vocal ranges.

If people honestly think that Van Canto's songs are best performed with only a drum and vocalists, then fine, enjoy them.

I understand your point of view and I don't disagree with it. With that said, I can also see how this band could be played off as a gimmick by long time musicians. Basically, that's all I was stating from my post.

Whoa... i was hammered and i didn't say "fuck this band, they suck ass". i couldn't open this thread all day because i thought i'd ripped them up and that i'd have offended someone haha.

There's no doubt that this stuff takes talent. For me, it's just misplaced talent. It takes talent to do a lot of things. To me, this is just another Jurassic Park band. They were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.