Vocal microphone for rehearsals.


May 9, 2006
Hey guys,

I am getting a place in the next month or so that will also have rehearsals..I am looking for some vocal microphones - I'd prefer it is not SM58s, but it has to be in the same price range . I did a quick research on gearslutz and some other places and narrowed my choices to the following:

Audix Om2
Audio Technica ATM510
and, well...SM58

Any input or other suggestions?

Heard the AKG D5's the other night at the venue I work, they sounded pretty damn good. I have an Audix OM2, I like it as well. I am not a fan of SM58's but have to use them all the time.
We normally stick to 58's but our vocalist has been talking about getting a better vocal mic (SM7b).

While that'd be great and all, I'm afraid the difference in quality won't be worth the price tag (live, especially....I've never seen a live band where the vocalist is holding that huge mic) and we record ourselves in a shitty room so....ehh.
We normally stick to 58's but our vocalist has been talking about getting a better vocal mic (SM7b).

While that'd be great and all, I'm afraid the difference in quality won't be worth the price tag (live, especially....I've never seen a live band where the vocalist is holding that huge mic) and we record ourselves in a shitty room so....ehh.

I enjoy the sm7b for recording but the practice/live and the 58 wins. For me at least.
So far the best one I've had must be the Blue Encore 200. You can get most output without unwanted feedback. Beats the SM58 in that sense hands down. And the sound is more condenser-like.
Most of the Audix OM's and Sennheiser E845/945 are both MUCH better than 58's in my experience. Less lo-low mid mud, more gain before feedback.

I can work with 58's, but I definitely don't "like" them.
The i5 would be my bet. It doesn't sound as good as other mics, but when you are talking about tonal presence per unit dB, the i5 wins IMO. I've tested the OM2 (don't own) next to a 58 and I seem to remember it being considerably louder than the 58? Maybe I've got it backwards though, it was some time ago.
The i5 would be my bet. It doesn't sound as good as other mics, but when you are talking about tonal presence per unit dB, the i5 wins IMO. I've tested the OM2 (don't own) next to a 58 and I seem to remember it being considerably louder than the 58? Maybe I've got it backwards though, it was some time ago.

like in the audix i5 ?

we had to use it for rehearsals because we had no other mic at disposal, and it's a terrible vocal mic.

great for guitars though :D

right now I have e845, it's pretty rad, great feedback resistance

and yeah, sm58 are a thing of the past for me, wish we could collectively move on
like in the audix i5 ?

Yes. I said it doesn't sound good :) He asked what mic would be good for being heard over the band without having to turn the pre up high enough to get feedback. For the exact reason that I don't think the i5 sounds great on vocals is the same reason I think it's what he's looking for: it doesn't have a broadband flat response.
Im surprised no one has recommended a 57. Great off axis rejection, perfect for rehearsals.

I actually use the 57 with the popfilter thingy when I'm playing guitar and singing at the same time. I must be honest... I got it because I was knocking my teeth in with a 58. :D It's a great mic but certainly has a vintage vibe to it. Not modern... not clear.