Vocal questions for Sabine.

Her angelic voice really shines through both on the recorded format and in the live situation. LYCANTHIA definately have found the best female vocalist in their history with Sabine Linfoot.
I suggest this thread be to ask the lovely Sabine questions about her vocal stylings and perhaps any tips/pointers she may have for other young female singers out there. Remember Metal is not an exclusive boys only club.
Here's a start.
I think a few people would like to know a bit about your vocal inspirations/heroes and a bit about your singing history as well.
Don't be shy,tell us everything.:headbang:
I'm particularly interested in hearing a bit more about your own singing influences...who do you think were the top few influences on your singing style?

Also what kinds of non-metal female vocalists do you find yourself really admiring? Do you think there's any particular techniques that you bring from outside metal?
I now feel special heh

I have to say Liv Christine (theatre of tragedy - first 2 albums) was one of my first influences. I loved her soft voice the first time I heard it and My vocals have been compared to hers on more than one occasion.
another personal influence is a Lebanese singer called Majida El Roumy. Couldn't be further from being metal but her Range is mind blowing.

I guess I considered Tarja Turunen an influence at some stage but I've grown out of it. I now learned to use my whole range as much as I can so I'm implementing mid range singing in new songs.
Another amazing singer is Kari (the 3rd and the mortal).
For $1 million we could get Celine Dion to do a gig.

Though at today's exchange rate it works out to be only $838,460 CAD but I'm sure if we cover 'My Heart Will Go On' and you promise to hold on to her waist while you yell at the top of your lungs, "I'm king of the world" she just may consider it.

For $1 million we could get Celine Dion to do a gig.

Though at today's exchange rate it works out to be only $838,460 CAD but I'm sure if we cover 'My Heart Will Go On' and you promise to hold on to her waist while you yell at the top of your lungs, "I'm king of the world" she just may consider it.



Can plan B. be Leanne Rhimes if Celine falls through?
Con Air baby!!!! :worship: :worship: :worship: