weird game


That's the best I could get.

DAMN YOU games like that keep me distracted for hours!
yeah and how long were you playing?! I made myself stop after a couple minutes because I knew it would turn in to an all night addiction.
whatever, go hang out on the beach. Or better yet, die in a twister you floridian fuck.

do I even have to mention that I am at work right now? I suppose I could play from here, but we don't have a real mouse and it would fuck me up like all hell! So what's the temperature like down there? I think our windchill Monday was -10. And today it's much warmer. Wind chill is normal 10!
If Luis didn't even post his score it must have been worse than mine!

I played for another couple minutes last night - again it's way to addicting to allow myself any more than that. I have a job you know, damn!

Speaking of Job whats this I hear about Jeff not having one?
you guys suck


I coulda kept going to, but Im at work and the phone kept ringing