Well thats me off to Greece for a month


Aug 5, 2009
You all be good now

I don't wnt to see or hear any bickering when I am away or I will gie yous aw a right good hiding

Peace and love to everyone and enjoy what ever festival you will be going to

Till then

C-ya fucka's

Yay we're finally free of sexual harassment...

Just kidding mate, have a good time!

Haha, I see Never the Same has taken that mantle for now, good on you mate :lol::lol::lol:

Jings, I thought I would pop in to rub it in, it's fuckin hot out there, it's about 34 degrees just now and I am boiling

Hope you guys are all well and having fun in the various festivals you are at/going to

Talk to you all again soon

P.s thanks for the nice messages, I am having a great time here, the food is just superb, the greatest feeling in the world, having a nice cold beer in the hot sunshine and the women aren't bad either
Jingle bells, Keenan goes google edition.

Google time, Google time, Keenan you are late.
Hurry up, or else you might, end up getting raped.
I'd forgotten about it to be honest. :lol:


Roughly 93 degrees. Damn, thats almost as hot as it is here!