southern accents. i grew up in the south, but my parents were always very strict with my pronounceation of words, and would correct me when i sliped. so now southern accents irritate the hell out of me. the worst part is that now they've decided they don't care and so my sister has a really bad one and my mom has started using hers.

the other thing that bothers me, is when these arent the droids were looking for.
Seeing kids smoke on the age of 10 and looking at you with some abominated look.
1: kids shouldn't have that kinda attitude.
2: where are their parents??
Kids in the cinema.

An example was when I went to see James Bond and I was sat next to a 5 year old. He kept making noises, moving around, singing, threw popcorn at me the little motherfucker :mad:. It was a damn 12 certificate, keep kids out or do an 18+ only for films.
When my boss won't just sack a junkie because "he's a good worker" and his (my bosses') wife feels sorry for the junkie. And yet he's taking a zero tolerance stance on drugs and drug drivers. Fucking hypocrit.
Chavs - because they're intolerant assholes
All this Hxcore music - because its an abomination and shouldn't ever be called 'metal'
Posers - because they never know when the shut the fuck up
Evile - no reason :lol:
Because so many damn teens like him for all the wrong reasons (or no reason at all [bandwagoning]) and treat him like the goddamn messiah.
Deathcore - 'cause it all sounds the same, i.e. a cat/pig/goat/their mother being raped to some badly appregiated chords in Drop B
Dave's mum (at times) - she never has food in the house, except bacon... and bacon's metal :)
Solid State Amps - for being shit
Gibson Les Pauls - for trying to hang every guitarist that's had the unfortunate experience of playing one
Line 6 - for making amps that blow up within 10 months of owning, and generally making bad guitar equipment
Narrow-minded people - cause the world's not just in black and white
my fingers - for the times when they won't play/learn what I want them to!
Edge III's - for being the world's worst double locking tremolo system

THIS annoys me. I don't need to explain, I have a damn picture!
Deathcore - 'cause it all sounds the same, i.e. a cat/pig/goat/their mother being raped to some badly appregiated chords in Drop B



Chavs - they are all brain dead assholes that dont shutup n think they r cool n hardcore when in fact they look act like and generally are tards
Gypsies - Scum of the earth, they pay no taxes rates etc, steal everything they can find encourage their 5 year old kids to steal etc etc
Customers at work (poundland) - asking how much something is, your in POUNDland so everything is a pound, is it that hard of a concept to understand
European tours. Only few good bands play in Finland on their euro tours. Even if they do all the countries next to us sweden, norway and denmark for some reason they just wont come to Finland. We are a heavy metal country. Metal sells here. For example Metallica has 5 nights in denmark and 2 nights in Finland. Population of Denmark and Finland are almoust the same, Denmark even being a bit lower I think and the latest album altho being crap sold 2x platinum in Finland just by preorders and it sold 1x platinum in Denmark. Priest Feast isnt coming here. Evile has never been here (some reason they did rest of the Megadeth tour but skipped the first date they played in Helsinki, Finland), KillFest isnt coming here.

But I do have to say there is some artists that have realised that every fan is important and they do come to Finland quite often, like Motörhead, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Megadeth, U.D.O. all of these coming every 2 years.