What's atually said in "Wishmaster"


Metal addict
Sep 13, 2002
Watch this, it's hilarious, even if you haven't heard the song by Nightwish (which I have lol).


By the way, to all old forum members, I remember a thread we had like three years ago about similar videos, but there the "actors" in the videos where almost only kittens and members of Dimmu Borgir? Am I right? "She's got a chicken to ride" :p, the Beatles sang, that's the one I remember, and that there was a video with Immigrant Song too. Anyone knows the name of the site and if it's still online?
Yes! that's right, thanks. They still have the beatles vid, but no the led zeppelin (prob due to copyright :( ) And I dont find anyone from Dimmu Borgir there either.