What's that? Pyramaze playing Dracula?


Feb 21, 2008
Ankh Morpork
I was just checking youtube for some videos of the bloodbound-tour when I eventually found that strange video...

Is this really Pyramaze playing an Iced Earth song? Well, in that case that would possibly be the first "Pyramaze" song I could easily live without... I really love the original, especially the intro with the amazing fretless bass supporting Matt's vocals so well! :)
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Sounds horrible. I'm sure it's not a Pyramaze cover (and what would be the point of them covering it anyway if both original and cover are with Matt...?).

And btw, the original is definately one of IE's most brilliant songs ever, and also one of Matt's best performances.
Good to hear your comments... I couldn't imagine it's really Pyramaze (no Jonah and so damn close to the original) but who knows... if it's just jamming or warming up in the studio... but I also think Michael would have let us know if something like that really existed...


Ha-ha-ha, if that was a Pyramaze cover - even for fun, then I would give up metal!! :lol:

That's just a track from the cd being looped through some kind of music software with increased speed. Kind of insulting that someone has posted that on YouTube calling it a Pyramaze cover.

Very-very rough stuff.

The second "very" makes me think that this shouldn't be heard and would taint our image of the band.;)

...and if there is "rough stuff " to be heard...I would prefer it to be something now with Urban? Move on all you greedy pyradudes!:lol:
The second "very" makes me think that this shouldn't be heard and would taint our image of the band.;)

...and if there is "rough stuff " to be heard...I would prefer it to be something now with Urban? Move on all you greedy pyradudes!:lol:

In that case I demand the live recordings of the Denmark tour with Volbeat! "Urban Breed, Urban Breed, Urban Breed!":lol::lol:
The second "very" makes me think that this shouldn't be heard and would taint our image of the band.;)

...and if there is "rough stuff " to be heard...I would prefer it to be something now with Urban? Move on all you greedy pyradudes!:lol:

Still, it could be cool to hear Matt singing some of the older songs. I've always wondered how that would sound, and if there are already recordings...

But more importantly, when is the next album coming out? :D
LOL you guys make me laugh. So Dracula song is from Iced Earth when Matt Barlow was with them.. Then Pyramaze did a cover when Matt Barlow joined group. I actually like the cover more as it is heavier than the original which kinda put me to sleep. But it's hard to find now. Either way, Matt Barlow rocks.