Will the Unicorn albums ever be re-released?

Dan M.

Nov 16, 2008
Being a huge Swano fan I have a fairly good sized collection of music that Dan and Dag have released. Although I do not have any of the Unicorn albums. I have been lucky enough to hear some of these songs on the internet, but I cannot find any Cd's. Songs Like "Lake of Time" and "Czarina of Vermilion" are progressive rock masterpieces!:worship: It would be great to be able to buy the whole Unicorn catalog, either in single CD format or in a box set format. So, my question for Dan, (Oh, I do hope he is listening), is there a chance the Unicorn albums will be re-released?
Somebody with some sort of label should release Dan's upgraded versions of the demos that he put up on the swano.com website so long ago (and passed out on CD-R's to a few lucky people)...it could include the artwork from the original demos and a version of "Never Gonna Run" that isn't 128kbps!

Regarding Ever Since...any song that appeared previously on a demo is superior to the Ever Since version, with the exception of "Zoetrope," which is sort of cooler on the Ever Since version.

The versions of "Suddenly" and "After Before," songs previously recorded on the demos, are definitely better on Emotional Wasteland.
Emotional Wasteland is one of the best albums Dan's ever done IMO. Can't imagine it with his current vocals and mixing wizardy.

Yeah, it's one of my all time favorite Dan recordings as well. Ever Since would be right up there with it, if it had better drum production, and better vocals. Dan would be the first to tell you that it isn't one of his best vocal performances!