Ya know...


Amateur Dentist
May 13, 2002
It's kind of ironic that the forum was much busier when there was no certainty about the new album. Now that news has been released, this place is deader than ever.

Soo umm... *tosses a piece of confetti in the air* fuck yeah! Now we're rallied! ....


Meh, I tried.
I hear ya! Just think for all the uncertainty going on there for a while...then boom! We've had updates, recording samples etc. Think it was normal for us to have a sigh of relief and then kinda chill for the time being. We all know the Pyramaze train is coming and I for one couldn't be more excited. Even if the average posts per day have decreased. :erk:
Well hey, it's nothing that can't be adjusted.

Someone had to break the silence, but to be honest I wish it didn't have to be me as I'm not exactly the most exciting poster here.
By the way, Jonah. Any news coming soon about the album title? :D