Yo! Laser's Edge...can you get this?

Ken, sorry if this has been asked before, but will you carry the new Hidria Spacefolk album "Astronautica"? How about the new Black Mountain also?
Ken, I assume you are going to stock this:
Presto Ballet - Relic of the Modern World?
Can - The Lost Tapes
Ken, I know somebody asked you about this before and I think you said is was already out of print (which was presumably the large format box limited edition). But I understand that a regular edition has been released - do you intend to stock it?
You're very welcome!

I just heard about it tonight and as I haven't been able to get hold of the original, this came at the perfect time. The best thing is that it's a re-record and not messed with in any way.

Can't wait! :)