Recent content by 0peth

  1. 0peth

    Opeth 'delay' Australian Tour

    oh my. what a shitty day this has been! :(
  2. 0peth

    So just how good is John Butler Trio anyway?

    The new drummer Michael Barker is best ever! :D
  3. 0peth

    So just how good is John Butler Trio anyway?

    Saw them last week! Put on a good show. I'm not in love with the music, but its not bad at all. If you can find it, dl Take - one of the better JBT songs in my opinion.
  4. 0peth

    Mp3 thread for bands which opeth fans would like

    Infernal Method
  5. 0peth

    Your friends/family members opinions on Damnation

    my mother "it great.......THE FIRST FEW TIMES" :yell: maybe i overplayed it a little
  6. 0peth

    australain tour

    Is it true Opeth will be returning for the Damnation tour in December? At an all ages gig?! fingers crossed
  7. 0peth

    hey all. i am new!!

    greetings greetings ya hornbag ! :erk:
  8. 0peth

    Need some new musical suggestions

  9. 0peth

    Why im the luckiest man alive....yet the unlukiest!

    a big 'FUCK YOU' goes to age restrictions from Belle...ggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr you are very lucky chap, but its was a bummer to have your hopes up and then have them cut down.
  10. 0peth

    sydney show

    :erk: i hate to be young i hate it i hate it i hate it im glad the show was amazing ( if it wouldnt be) :) no forest of october ay? bummer, that is a very nice song!
  11. 0peth

    The words I want to say...

    i love opeth too sigh
  12. 0peth


    oh really fool, really?
  13. 0peth

    opeth ticket

  14. 0peth


    one of the only albums (apart from the opeth lot) that i have loved at first listen i wonder why? :D
  15. 0peth

    worst songs ever?

    woah...i was going to say that...... WAKUP RARDERAHDRERARHDERAAHDERARAR mut