So just how good is John Butler Trio anyway?


Blinded By The Light...
Jul 15, 2001
So, Ummmm........ Apparently the John Butler Trio are coming to play at a place called the Kuranda Ampitheater next weekend (which is up on the tablelands... about a half hour or more by car).

Considering the scarcity of ANYTHING even approaching good music making it this far north in Australia, I was wondering if I should be going to see them? :confused:

I've heard a few folks on UM and DC go on about the JBTrio before, but I can't remeber the specifics of what was said, and I'm having trouble finding MP'3 to sample their music before they come up, I was wondeirng if anyone could gimme a heads-up.

Considering the tickets are supposedly $32 (Pretty bloody cheap), the only complications are the fact that I'm unlikely to have access to a car, and even if I did 'technically' I can't drive at the age of 21 (it's a long story, don't ask. :bah: ) and that I have an assignment due in in a couple of weeks for a subject I haven't even started at uni yet (end of 4th week now), and if I fail the assignment i fail the subject.

But yeah, your input would be appreciated. :D
Saw them live, was very enjoyable. It's not the best music ever, but it has a lot of life and his guitar skills are enjoyable to watch and listen to. Definitely worth seeing for a good night.
Saw them last week! Put on a good show. I'm not in love with the music, but its not bad at all.
If you can find it, dl Take - one of the better JBT songs in my opinion.
my sister saw them a couple o weeks ago at the sydney show, and swore it was the greatest show she'd ever seen.

go if you have the opportunity, i like him but dont love him :D
I absolutely love John Butler Trio, they are fucking amazing :eek:Dunno about the new band tho, haven't heard anything of the new drummer and bassist...Go and download "Valley" and "Take", and man you should be impressed, John Butler is brilliant... Go and see them, on pain of death..>!